Announcements and introductions of distinguished visitors – Adrienne said she was in awe of Pam and Penny’s work on the parade.  Our distinguished visitors were State Senator Fran Millar, and Councilmen John Heneghan and Terry Nall. 

Introduction of Candidates for office – There were no candidates who wanted to speak and the runoff is July 24th.

Approval of Minutes from May meeting – Su Ellis moved to approve with a second from Mike Davis.  The minutes were approved unanimously.

All Fore One School Fundraiser Presentation – No one showed up for the presentation.

Presentation by Richard McCleod and Michael Starling, recommendations for Dunwoody Village Overlay District (DVOD) – Michael Starling said they are proposing changes to the overlay for retail development, promoting experiential retail versus convenience retail.  They are trying to attract chef driven restaurants to the Village.   Dunwoody has very few obsolete buildings for redevelopment.  We have a low vacancy rate and high land costs.  We lack four and six lane roads that attract experiential retail.  Perimeter is a magnet for redevelopment.  Richard McCleod said the DVOD has been in place since 1972.  Issues in the overlay that he outlines are parking, development threshold, window treatments, roof line, and architectural style.  They are working on varying architectural styles.  Current style would be out.  Maybe next year they will have the money for the Master Pan.  Adrienne said the Master Plan is a long process and would be planned for the next 30 years.  Bill Robinson read a letter from Bill Grant, a builder in Dunwoody and on the DVOD Review Board.  The style is broader than Williamsburg.  He said the DVOD and windows aren’t restrictive.  He does not feel we should mess with the overlay to cater to a small number of developers.  It is scheduled to go to the Planning Commission on July 10.  They are proposing use of various building materials and remove the current look.

Discussion:  Crim and Associates SLUP application for overlay district variances – They had a required public meeting to discuss the 9 variances they are requesting.  Archie Wanamaker and Steven St. Paul with Crim told us that some changes were approved at their first SLUP request.  The new request addresses roof, windows, elevation, and architectural style.  They showed us two rendering of buildings one being industrial style and one Williamsburg style.  If their SLUP isn’t approved they will build in the Williamsburg style.  The restaurant would not be chef driven as it is fast casual.  

Discussion:  Brook Run Park planning – moving it to the August meeting and will see if Brent Walker can come.



  • All Fore One Fund Request -  No one showed to make the request.
  • Position Statement on Brook Run Park plans was tabled for the August Meeting
  • Position Statement on Crim and Associates - The first motion to take no position was made by Bob Barnwell and seconded by Stacey Harris.  After some discussion, Bob withdrew his motion.

      Fran Millar made the following motion which was seconded by Bob Barnwell.

DHA would like the Planning Commission and City Council to review the Dunwoody Village Overlay District Zoning Codes before approving any specific project in the Dunwoody Village Overlay District.  We are uncomfortable with the SLUP process which opens the door for spot rezoning.  This is directed to the process not the visual presentation by Crim and Associates.  This passed with two abstentions by Stacey Harris and Erika Harris.


A motion was made on the Dunwoody Village Overlay District changes proposed by City staff by John Sparks and seconded by Su Ellis


  • DHA opposes the architectural changes and other controls to the Dunwoody Village Overlay District  presented by Richard McLeod on Sunday, July 1st, without well thought out replacements that are publicly vetted by the community. The motion passed with one abstention by Stacey Harris and one opposed by Jeff Rosen.