Pres. Bill Grossman welcomes Dunwoody Councilor Terry Nall, State Senator Fran Millar and DeKalb County School System board member Nancy Jester. Bill announces the opening of Chick-fil-A at the old Arby’s location off Jett Ferry.

  1. Approval of October minutes.
  2. Discussion of Charter School ballot issue. Rep. Millar says not really relevant to Dunwoody, or for that matter DeKalb. Rep. Jester says positive reasons to vote for it. This only applies to start-up schools. Real issue is allowing municipalities to run school systems. Nancy also gave update on DeKalb County School System. Awaiting forensic audit. Says there will be a new track at Peachtree Middle School – hopefully completed in the summer of 2013.
  3. Adopt-A-Spot update. Bill unveiled plans drawn by contractor for six spots. Bids for implementation are high, such that the DHA will not be able to implement all of them. Right now there is a moratorium on Adopt-A-Spots because of the pending lawsuit by resident Joe Hirsch.
  4. Light Up Dunwoody. It will be on November 18. All preparations are coming along according to plan. We need more sponsors, although we have enough vendors. We will lose money on this year’s event ($4,000), when factoring in the cost of adding lights at the Ashford Dunwoody/Mt. Vernon intersection. Sen. Millar volunteers to donate $1,000, challenges Rep. Tom Taylor to do the same (which he later did).
  5. Annual membership campaign. Bill passed out the color brochures that will be mailed to single family homes and condos – a total of 20,000.
  6. Womack/Vermack Intersection Improvement. Councilor Terry Nall spoke on the issue after it was voted down, 4-3, by city council (the DHA voted to support the continued design process). Terry says what he believes was voted down was the transfer of funds for the project. Terry says at the end of the day, the roundabout is much safer that doing nothing. Gave specific examples. Bob Dallas, who was Director of Governors’ Highway Safety Board, backed Terry. So did Bob Lundsten, who says national research supports this. Terry says it is supported by Dunwoody High School principal Noel Maloof, as well as the school’s council. (Dick Williams left while Bob Lundsten was speaking, but apparently it had nothing to do with what Bob was saying, instead, Dick wanted to watch the Falcons/Cowboys game).

Board Only Discussion

Motion to purchase American flag and State of Georgia flag for Dunwoody High School auditorium. Cost is approximately $200. Motion unanimously passes.

Motion that the city continues the design processes of all intersection improvements in Dunwoody. Motion unanimously passes.

Meeting adjourned at 8:57pm. Next board meeting: Sunday, December 2, 2012.
