Zoning Issue Presentations
DeKalb- Dunwoody Park Apartments redevelopment- North Shallowford : Chris Bishop and Chris Harold presented the revised plan. The development has been reduced to 680 class A units for the property (average 25.92 units/acre). The development would consist of 29.7 units/acre on the south side of the project closest to 285 and the other denser apartment/condo developments and 22.5 units/acre on the North side leading to Dunwoody’s single family residential area. All buildings have been redesigned to three stories with exception of two at the center of the project that will be 4 stories. A suggestion for the entrance near Chestnut school to be right turns in and out only.
DeKalb - BP expansion: BP, DHA and the Ashwood homeowners have reached an agreement as to the site plan and 8 conditions for operation and development of the center. The appeal hearing is Wednesday and the board agreed not to oppose the variance and request that the record reflect the commitment of BP to develop the site according to the fullest extent of the Overlay District.
Community Notes and Presentations
Dennis Crean- Dunwoody Rotary- (Welcome to Dunwoody signs): Dennis put three proposals for Dunwoody-
- Create a steering committee for the Dunwoody Clean and Beautiful.
- Create a Dunwoody Welcome sign program
- Create a Dunwoody sidewalk master plan, denoting the sidewalks we have and those that are needed.
The board was asked for volunteers for each of the committee’s to take advantage of the volunteer effort on the part of the Dunwoody Rotary and Dennis Crean.
Gordon Jackson- no report
The board approved a $500.00 donation to the Dunwoody Nature Center .
Dunwoody Map – Sue Scoville presented her companies plan to prepare maps of local areas with graphics for local merchants. The DHA board decided not to support the plan. Ken was asked to provide Sue Scoville the correct boundaries for Dunwoody as others do not have them correct.
President’s Update
Sembler Perimeter Center West Project was discussed. The board voted not to support the development and its current plan due to the traffic study numbers (25,000 trips a day) and the extreme adverse effect the development would have on traffic in the area.
Dunwoody Village entrance signs on Chamblee Dunwoody Road : The property is to be issued a citation in the upcoming week.
Dunwoody Village Parkway master plan is proceeding- Next steps are for John Gurbal of DeKalb County to visit the site and estimate costs of sidewalks.
Walgreens has started to turn on their internally lit sign even though it is in direct violation of the overlay district, current signage guidelines for Dunwoody, ad the DHA and the citizens of Dunwoody were assured no internal lights would ever be turned on within this shopping center. The DHA will talk with the store manager and regional manager and if that does not work, then other more demonstrative actions may be taken.
DHA is awaiting results from submitted, very detailed correspondence citing possible sign violations located within the Dunwoody Village Overlay District to DeKalb county Code enforcement – no update.
Brook Run Update – Nick Nicodemus – no update
Membership Drive – Sherman Dudley
The 2004 Membership drive is underway.
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.