Ken Wright called the meeting to order at 7:35 PM . The following items were addressed:

Community Notes and Presentations

Kathy Cobbs, PTA president, Austin Elementary School , described a community project to construct a tree house at Dunwoody Nature Center . The tree house will encompass some 500 sq. ft., will sleep 20 and will cost between $8K and $12K. To raise funds for this project, the PTA will host a 5K/1K run/walk on March 8, 2003 . Sponsors are being asked to underwrite the event. DHA was asked to become a sponsor. The Board unanimously voted to approve a sponsorship for $500.

Zoning issues:

- Ridgeview Development was deferred for one cycle (two months).

- Valley View - Chamblee-Dunwoody Road was deferred for one cycle. Don Boyken met with Mark Forsling to discuss ways to reduce the proposed density.

- Orchard Park approached Bill Grossman regarding removal of River Birch trees, located in their parking lot, that are so large, they block the signage on the buildings. They plan to replace the trees with crepe myrtle unless DHA has a better suggestion. The DHA Board voted to disapprove tree removal.

- Blue House property on Mt. Vernon still at R100 but not ready to proceed.

- Bill Grant reported that Bailey Estates off Spalding will be a gated community with 11-13 lots on 24 acres.

Signage Update

Ken Wright has met with the BP representative regarding the station at Mt. Vernon and Chamblee-Dunwoody. The rep will discuss the five issues with his boss and get back to Ken. They also were asked to maintain the closed Phillips station across the street.

Ken will send a letter to the Skydiver group and the DeKalb County attorney regarding the advertising stickers plastered throughout the Georgetown area.

Brook Run

Nick Nicodemus announced the next round of Brook Run meetings. The North DeKalb meeting will be held at the Brook Run auditorium Monday, December 9, 2002 at 7 PM ; the South DeKalb meeting will be held at the Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church on Tuesday, December 10, 2002 at 7 PM . Everyone was encouraged to attend.

Light up Dunwoody

Margo Cole reported that Light up Dunwoody was a success and thanked all for their help. She also stated that next year planning will start in June.

Nominating Committee

Bill Robinson reminded the Board that Ken Wright and Sherman Dudley will be the names proposed for the Executive Board at the Annual Meeting in January. Bill asked for suggestions from the Board for topics for the Annual Meeting.

Membership Drive

Sherman Dudley reported that memberships for 2003 already exceed 750. Don Boyken stated that welcome letters are being sent to new homeowners with a membership invoice included.

PDK Discussion

David Fowler reported that a DHA Board sub-committee has been names to study the DeKalb-Peachtree Airport noise issue. The following policy statement was approved:

"The DHA Board supports the updating of the PDK master plan and would like to become an active participant in the updating of the master plan. We have established a sub-committee to focus on the Airport and to help formulate and recommend to the full Board a definitive policy towards PDK."

The meeting adjourned at 9:30 PM.
