1. Community notes and presentations
- Bunky Way – Status update - dispute between neighbors. Don Boyken has been mediating a compromise between all parties & Dekalb county officials. A motion and vote was taken regarding this situation and is listed on last page under executive membership votes.
- Land Donation for a park- The triangle piece of property off the intersections of Ashford Dunwoody Road & Mount Vernon is being discussed between Dekalb county and the property owner concerning a potential small park.
2. Zoning Issue Presentations
- Dekalb County – Valley View – Restaurant – DENIED: The application has been denied and cannot be brought up again for another two years.
- Dekalb County – Ridgeview Development – no further development per Bill Grant
- Dekalb County – Office building variance (Amacher) – Mr. Amacher presented new sketches and these sketches were discussed Mr. Amacher will design additional designs to present to the board so that the property & possible expansion may be accepted within the Overlay district.
- Fulton County – Bailey Estates Expansion - Bill Grant might purchase this property this week.
- Fulton County – Davis Academy – It was presented that discussions are continuing with regards to intersection improvements and acquisition of corner property.
- Future zonings – Chamblee Dunwoody Rd, Pitts Road @ Spalding Rd. It was presented that a developer is trying to assemble land for home development.
- Mount Vernon/Branches- presented that a developer has proposed 7 houses, R100 on these 2 aces, 2 lots that would be a gated community, brick wall surrounding, starting at $800,000. Entrance would be off road into the branches. The county proposed a turn lane off Mount Vernon.
3. Questions & Answers –
A comment was made that the BP station lights at the corner of Mount Vernon and Chamblee Dunwoody were too bright. Ken Wright will contact the architectural firm with whom he helped negotiate the redesign of that store with.
4. Signage:
- Saxby Chambliss continues to litter the community with illegal signs all over the right of way. He is the only political candidate throughout all races that has littered in masse. As well, it was reported that another oversized illegal sign in a private residence’s yard off Mount Vernon has been put up, for the 2nd time. The issue has again been reported to Dekalb county enforcement.
- It was reported Dunwoody Hall has put up illegal banners on its light poles, which are not allowed under the Overlay district law. Don Boyken will contact Regency.
- Ritz camera has called asking about signage rules and laws. The new Overlay laws were e-mailed to corporate Ritz.
- High Cotton just put up yet another banner hanging up under their sign “Open for Lunch”. This has been there for 2 months now and is illegal under DeKalb County law.
5 –7 Membership, Perimeter CID and Overlay District - No reports other than Joe Kane reports he is still attempting to get all subdivision contacts.
8. Support the local merchants, Gary Meyer - No report
9. Brook Run - Update – Nick – Approximately 300 folks at meeting at Dunwoody High School. Next meeting Tuesday at Bill Brown Library.
10. Light up Dunwoody- Margot Cole reported: Multiple committee meetings have been held. November 24th is the day and initially it appears the ceremonies might begin at 3:30 with Santa and others although this is not firm.
11. Communications-Monthly updated- Bill Robinson- October article will be in the crier. Margot Cole and Nick Nicodmeous are on the 2003 DHA executive board nominating committee.
12. Membership Drive- Sherman Dudley- membership invoices have already begun to be sent out, alphabetically.
13. PDK Discussion- No additional discussion was held tonight
14. Executive Board votes:
Bunky Way Traffic Calming
100% in favor vote was taken to support safety for the residents of Bunky Way in the means of suggesting a divider median as proposed by Dekalb County along with the addition of a sidewalk if at all possible. As well, all three effected areas of the community should have the right to vote on the acceptance of these safety devices.
Old Blue House Lot
100% in favor vote was taken not to support a proposed turn lane off Mount Vernon in the proposed new subdivision on the corner of Mount Vernon and the branches.
Meeting adjourned around 9:00 p.m.