1. Community notes and presentations - none.

2. Zoning Issue Presentations

- Dunwoody MARTA Station: Kathy Zickert outlined an Equitable/Cousins joint venture along Perimeter Center Parkway that will be located between Hammond Drive and Perimeter Center West. The development will create an office-living-retail corridor across from the Dunwoody MARTA station, and will include redesign of the Parkway as a boulevard. When built out, the project will consist of some 652 residential units, 1.3M sq. ft. of office space and 150,000 sq. ft. of retail space, all on the west side of the boulevard. Details are not complete, but maximum office building height will be 20 stories and residential, 8 stories. Kathy committed to work with the DHA as the plans become more firm by providing elevations and signage criteria for the project.

- Park Place Mall - Kathy Zickert described a proposal for additional two-story retail space on the east of Ashford-Dunwoody that will occupy part of the parking for Park Place mall. Construction is contingent on completion of the deck parking for the already approved Target Store on Perimeter Center East Parkway behind Bank of America.

- The North Atlanta Church of Christ received a deferral of its planned construction of an annex and recreation field so that negotiations with neighbors can be completed. Ms. Zickert indicated that conditions on the property will be considered.

- Mt Vernon Office Park - Bill Grant's office project on Mt. Vernon next to Prudential was deferred until negotiations can be completed with neighbors new to the neighborhood who live in the Centex Project. DHA will explain history of this area and put it in context with other adjacent properties.

- Dunwoody Hall Signage Variance – A sign variance for a new business in Dunwoody Hall, submitted by the sign company without the knowledge of Regency, exceeds the agreement between Regency and DHA. Signage variance is not to exceed the specifications noted in our agreement with Regency. Bill Grossman will follow up with Regency about the request.

- Davis Academy - access onto Roberts Road and/or Spalding Drive is in the hands of GA DOT. GA DOT is considering increasing stacking lanes on Roberts (heading south) and Spalding (heading east). DHA is attempting to get GA DOT to relocate Dunwoody Club Drive-Spalding Drive intersection and/or add a traffic light to improve traffic flow.

- Sunshine Car Wash will add one bay for oil changes. Architecture will be consistent with current building. Sunshine was DHA Merchant of the year for 2001.

3. Questions and Answers - none.

4. Signage - Ken Wright.

- A sign committee has been formed to monitor illegal sign activity.

- A retail sign erected on the property next to the Jewish High School is illegal and must be removed.

5. Membership - Joe Kane.

- A listing of HOA subdivisions has been developed and will be distributed to DHA Board. Board members are asked to review and give contacts for neighborhoods not listed.

6. Perimeter Center CID - Rick Jones. No report.

7. Overlay District - Bill Phillips.

- DeKalb County has approved the overlay district. Additional details may require changes at a later date. Concept is to initially work with the merchants and let them know what is included in the overlay guidelines and not cause any protests. We will get the map added to the legislation before we cause any enforcement issues. Regarding notification, we are to work with the county on establishing a process and then, at a later date, get this incorporated into the legislation as the method for use.

8. Support the Local Merchants - Gary Meyer.

- People are selling produce illegally in area parking lots (e.g., pine straw). Shopping center owners will be asked to call police to evict them.

9. Brook Run - Nick Nicodemus.

- DPT has approved the contract with EDAW to conduct the Master Plan for Brook Run and is awaiting approval by DeKalb County before work begins.

- David Purcell will coordinate this effort with Richard Stogner.

10. Fourth of July Parade - Bill Robinson

- Plans for parade are on track. Twenty-six applications already have been submitted.

- Rabbi Stanley Davitz, Temple Emanu-el will deliver the invocation.

- A community choir of volunteers from area churches and synagogues will sing.

11. Communications - Bill Robinson.

- The monthly article in June will explain DHA role in overlay district approval.

- July article will be on illegal signs and what citizens can do.

12. Membership - Sherman Dudley.

- Current membership is 877.
