Don Boyken called the meeting to order at 7:30.


Blood Drive—Life South would like to know if DHA would like to sponsor blood drive on January 26 (also an antique car show). Don will get information to Charlene for Board members.


North Atlanta Church of Christ 5676 Roberts Drive –A presentation was made on plans for renovation and an addition on the property. A Family Life Center that was a part of the master plan will be added. Two story structure with gym. Entrances will not be changed. A grassy area will be used as a ball field, but it will not be lighted.

The board discussion after the presentation was generally in favor of the development.


Peachtree Dunwoody 27 units on 2.3 acres—postponed until February.

SIGNAGE--Ken Wright

Saturday morning pickup - 25 signed were taken down. He is working with a pharmacy on Shallowford regarding signage. He also worked with Park City Grill that opened in Orchard Park.

Billboards—Bob Lundsten—Billboards are coming up before Board of Appeals on Wednesday at 1:30. The two Dunwoody billboards are no longer being requested.

Crazy Critter – Bob reported that Crazy Critter is upset about their signs being removed. Ken said that DHA did not remove their signs, but other people do take signs down.

Realty Signs--directional signs are illegal. Open House signs should be removed by Sunday night.


Committee will have a meeting Wednesday morning at 7:30 am, January 9.


CID will make a presentation at the annual meeting on February 3 at Dunwoody High School-2:00 pm. Bill Phillips stated that he would like to see a link between CID and the Overlay District. It was suggested that Bill talk to Rick Jones and have him set up a meeting with Yvonne Williams.


Overlay Zoning Schedule:

Jan 9—Planning Department Staff briefing

Jan 14—Elaine Boyer briefing

Jan 25—Filing deadline for application

Feb 6—Newspaper announcements

Mar 5—Public Hearing Planning Commission

Mar 25—Board of Commissioners Planning Hearing

It was suggested that a packet of information be prepared for the Planning Commission meeting. Also a meeting with commissioners before the hearing on 25th would be beneficial. Bill and Don are to get together and strategize how to get the commissioners on board including one on one meetings.


Merchant will be selected and a plaque presented at the annual meeting.

BROOK RUN—Nick Nicodemus

Draft for request for qualification will be finalized and published in time for the annual meeting. DOT changes to roads are a dead issue. Joyce Amacher, President of DPT, said that she would like to be informed regarding the contract between DeKalb County & DPT. Nick reported that the Public Safety would like to put a mini precinct at Brook Run and would like DHA input. Motion was made by Chuck Trense – Move that the DHA support the creation of a mini precinct in Brook Run providing that this precinct is to support the main precinct on Ashford Dunwoody Road. The details of the mini precinct are to be worked out with the Police Department. The motion was seconded and the motion carried. ACTION: Nick will coordinate the creation of the mini precinct and will ask the police to share with us their intentions at the March Board meeting.


CRIER published all articles that were submitted, and an article will be submitted regarding announcement of annual meeting.


A two-sided single page insert, which contains a membership application, will be included in the CRIER the second week of January. Membership forms will also be sent via e-mail to the current DHA membership. Sherman is also coordinating with several HOA’s to insert the flyer in the mailboxes. ACTION: Sherman is to send form to Charlene.


No report – John Snellings has agreed to chair this committee.


Margot Cole distributed the Treasurer’s Report.

Chuck Trense introduced new Board member, John Snelling.

Meeting was adjourned.
