1. Zoning and development

a. Mount Vernon Place: 1 acre proposed development – Bob Fehskens
After hearing the presentation by the developer the Board voted unanimously to oppose the request to rezone 2 parcels from R-100 to R 60.
The Board recommended that the developer go back and seek alternate solutions that would not have such a huge increase on the density of the surrounding neighborhood.

b. Pitts Road/ Spalding Update:
Don Boyken reported that the developer has already violated the agreement with the neighborhoods with regards to the buffer. They are continuing to work with him to gain compliance.

c. Chamblee Dunwoody-Old Spring House Lane
Bill Grossman reported that the property was rezoned back in 1987 for a single story Williamsburg building.

d. Dunwoody Club Drive
Bill Grossman reported that the “Swamp” house on Spalding was denied by Fulton County in its request for rezoning to build two houses on the site. The owner has responded by painting the house blue and orange and now has proceeded to clear-cut the property to return the land to its intended “farming” conditions.

e. O/I code change regarding apartments in the O/I district:
Bob Lundsten reported that the request for the County to change the Zoning Code, which currently allows developers to build 5 story apartments in O/I districts without public hearing, has been submitted to Commissioner Boyer and Gannon.
The County attorney and Planning Director are currently reviewing the request. Bob will meet with the Commissioners to “light a fire” under the issue.

f. Eurowerks, Parkway sponsorships.
The owner of Eurowerks, who has been maintaining the median on Dunwoody Village Parkway, was threatened with a citation for putting up signs without a permit. This is County property and private businesses or organizations do not have the right to place signs in those areas.
Dunwoody has several businesses and non-profits that provide the maintenance for islands and right of ways that include small recognition signage.
Ken will write a formal letter to the BOC requesting no citations be written until a sensible solution can be found.
A committee has been appointed to research solutions for presentation to the DHA board & then the DeKalb BOC.

2. Community notes and presentations:

a. Peachtree Middle School:
Chip reported that the bids for the renovation of Peachtree Middle School came in about $2 Million over the original estimates. The BOE will be meeting next month to find the additional funds to complete the project. If they cannot find additional SPLOST funds, redesign work may be required to reduce the school’s construction costs.

3. Brook Run Update:

a. Nick reported that the BR playground was under construction. The Children’s Activity Garden should be completed with 180 days.

b. The Board selection for the 501c3 is almost complete.

4. Messages and updates from the President:

a. New officers:

i. CelesteWebb, Treasurer
ii. Bob Lundsten, Secretary
iii. Sherman Dudley, Membership
iv. Chip Franzoni, VP

b. Ken announced a BOE meeting where Superintendent Dr. Crawford Lewis will be discussing overcrowding issues. Meeting is Thursday March 31st @ 6:00 PM at the Perimeter College Auditorium Room c-1100.

c. Tilden Auto Care:
Ken announced that the Tilden sign had been taken down in apparent response to the complaints from neighbors to code enforcement.

5. Reported Code Infractions

a. Quiznos; No update

b. Alice Cleaners; Plastic internally lit signs have been taken down. Gerri will check on status

c. Gerri has been contacted by concerned residents regarding the status of all church banners that are posted. All are illegal and should not be up. Bob will call Harry Stern at Zaban to ask about the signs that adorn the fences.

6. PDK Update

a. Barbara Dodds reported that PDK has changed it landing approach by 15 degrees, which will reducing the impact on Dunwoody

7. Board Discussions and votes

a. Move by Don Boyken to oppose the Fehskens proposal to change the zoning located on Dunwoody Place from R-100 to R-60. Motion passed unanimously.

b. Motion was made and approved to table the discussion about adding a 2’ section to the DHA Holiday Tree. Motion passed.

c. Motion was made to raise the DHA membership fee from $35 to $40 effective 2006. Motion passed unanimously.
