Gordon Jackson, President, welcomed all Board members, Police Department, and Chateau Woods visitors.

Barbara Dodds announced that DHA received a $500 check from Renfroe Lakes Subdivision in appreciation of the work done by DHA for the community. This is the second year that they have made this contribution.
Gordon welcomed two new Board members, Lynn Deutsch and Robin Burch.

Introduction of Candidates for Office
Elizabeth Huffner and Vicki Willard introduced themselves and both are running for District 1 Commissioner for Sandy Springs.

Approval of Minutes
Upon motion and second the August 5 minutes were approved. Upon motion and second the September 9 minutes were approved.

DeKalb Police Department Information
Al Tiede introduced Chief Bolton who introduced the new commander of the North Precinct, Major Calhoun, and other members of the department. He told the Board of plans to use mobile precincts that were purchased with confiscated drug funds and to add 200 police officers per year for the next four years. He wants to work with DHA on code enforcement.

Zoning and Development

Dr. Randy Rondowsky – 1611 Mt. Vernon Road
Bill Grossman reported that Dr. Rondowsky has purchased 1611 Mt. Vernon Road and plans to develop the property into a laser center. The building does not conform to Overlay District requirements. Gordon will check with Dr. Randowsky since he was not present.

Barry Realty – Two Parcels
The Terraces - $25 million renovation of Terraces, revitalize area—25 story residential (300 condo units), and 3 restaurants. Rezoning and special land use permit are required. The board raised significant concerns about the height of the buildings in the Ashford Dunwoody corridor especially so close to single-family residential areas.

South Trust Bank Site
Plans are for a 210-room hotel with restaurant and health club and a 29-floor condominium building with 330 units. The board again raised significant concerns about the height of the buildings in the Ashford Dunwoody corridor especially so close to single-family residential areas.

Community Affairs
Code Infractions – Gerri Penn
1763 Chateau Drive
Eddie Sharp, representing Château Woods Subdivision, stated that this residence is being used as a business. Owner does not live in the home. A report was made to Code Enforcement and Office Zellars issued 3 violations. A recent check on the status of this revealed that there was nothing new. This property violation was handed over to the deputy police chief with responsibility for code enforcement who was present at the meeting.

Board Discussion and Votes
After much discussion, a motion was made to ask for a 60-day deferral of the hearings set for the November DeKalb County Commission on The Terraces property and the SunTrust property and to have a small group work with Barry Real Estate as asked. It was seconded and motion carried.

Motion was made to adjourn and motion carried.
