Gordon Jackson, president, called the meeting to order and welcomed board members and visitors. Gordon welcomed Stacy Harris as a new member on the board. Candidates were invited to introduce themselves. Bob Lundsten spoke for Ken Wright who was ill and just said Ken was running for mayor. Al Alberghini said why he was running for Distict 1 City Council. John Heneghan is running for District 3 at large Council member and gave us his qualifications as did Tom Taylor who is running for District 3 City Council.
A motion for the approval of the July 6, 2008 minutes was made, seconded and carried unanimously.
Zoning and Development
Chequers/Fuddruckers Site Development – Woody Galloway for Berry Real Estate
They are proposing on this 3.8 acre site a 25 story office building on the corner of Hammond and Perimeter Center Pkwy and a 20 story hotel with 12 levels of hotel and 8 of parking decks. This project will accommodate the proposed widening of Hammond and Perimeter Center Pkwy. It is street level pedestrian friendly with outdoor seating. They are working with MARTA for a better connection with the station. They have approval from ARC and GRETA. It will probably be a suites hotel and will also have access to MARTA. The complete right turn flow through lane is controlled by the state.
Community Affairs
- Light Up Dunwoody – Gordon Jackson, They had a committee meeting and will have more information about where it is going at the next meeting. It will be held on November 23rd.
- Dunwoody Map – Bill Robinson, Bill gave out maps of Dunwoody that DHA had made 15 years ago and sold. Bill would like to see DHA pay for new maps and give some as a gift to the new City of Dunwoody. Bill spoke to the mapmaker who did the Sandy Springs map and he will charge $1,575.84 for the first 1,000 maps and $2,100.54 for 2,500 maps. The maps would be updated to include missing streets.
- Code Enforcement – Gerri Penn, Gerri is working on the August Violation List and asked to be e-mailed with any complaints. She gave an update of some old cases and one new one, 4433 E. Kingspoint Circle. The new officer seems to be doing a good job.
Messages and Updates from President
- The Political Forum will be held in the sanctuary of Dunwoody United Methodist Church on August 26th from 7-9 PM. Gordon mentioned that a board member had suggested having more than one forum. All candidates will be interviewed and make their pitch. Fran Millar suggested putting an announcement in The Crier and spoke about proper decorum in the sanctuary.
- Joe Devita made an announcement about the Dunwoody Chamber of Commerce and the fundraising project by founding sponsors.
- John Heneghan asked for an update on the new school. Dennis Crean gave the update. John Gerbil with the School District, met with Dennis Crean, Brian Anderson and Gordon Jackson and discussed driveways, traffic flow and deceleration lanes. John Gerbil will go back to his office and motivate the school system to take into consideration DHA’s suggestions. He will show us the final plans. Another issue was signalization. John Gerbil went over the guidelines and took the posture of how we could have a signal and still comply with Federal Guidelines.
Board Discussion and Votes
- Chequers/Fuddrucker Project – A motion was made, seconded and carried to support the applicant after finalization of the agreement with DHA.
- Dunwoody Map – Bob Lundsten made a motion which was seconded and carried to order 2,500 maps at a cost of $2,100.54. We will discuss at a later meeting if we will have any type of fee structure.
The meeting was adjourned.