Gordon Jackson, President, called the meeting to order. There were no general announcements. The motions to accept the minutes as written for December 2, 2007 and January 13, 2008 was passed unanimously.
Zoning and Development
Bank of North Georgia, formerly Boston market, is applying for variances that do not meet the overlay ordinances. It is 1.4 acres and they are adding 500 square feet and canopy drive though. They are decreasing parking from 51-34. They are going to have an 8 foot entry instead of 7 feet and are meeting the planting zone in various spots. This is the first redo in the village and Bob Lundsten said they will need to present a line by line list of variances.
Barry Realty-Southtrust Bank Site
Gordon thanked all involved for the time they put in to the hotel/residential project working on the agreement, yet to be signed, change in the architecture, moving the building back. It will be a 13 story hotel with 240 rooms and 1.25 parking spaces per room. The agreed to 60% of the 330 units in residential will be for sale and 40% senior rentals, 55 and older. There will be no more than 10% owner rentals which will be enforced by the condo association. Not in the agreement is the request by the hotel to reduce the hotel parking from 757 spaces.
Sandy Springs Update-Bill Grossman
There is currently a large development of NE corner of Corporate Campus at Hammond and Peachtree Dunwoody with more in the woks. Most of development is in Sandy Springs. There will be a hotel, condo tower and there is good connectivity.
Community Affairs
4th of July Parade-Bill Robinson and Dick Williams
Bill announced that WSB TV will no longer be doing a July 4th parade and we will be the largest parade in the state of Georgia. Dick said they already have 3 major bands joining our parade. Bill also announced that the Stage Door Players are sponsoring a Wine Tasting at Fresh Market that will cost $25.00
Light Up Dunwoody-Sharon Collins
The first planning meeting is Tuesday, Feb. 12th to set up objectives, goals and date.
Code Infractions-Gerri Penn
Gerri is compiling a list of infractions to be faxed in to Code Enforcement and asked if anyone had any complaints to e-mail her. She will do a follow up on 1822 Mt. Vernon Rd. concerning the amount of cement.
Parks Committee-Al Tiede
Radar signs have been permanently installed at Stone Mountain Park and this is something to look in to for Brook Run Park. They are going to organize a meeting with Parks and Recreation, Dept., DHA and Brook Run Conservancy for future plans for Brook Run.
Messages and Update from President
PR-Susan Mitchell has agreed to take on the role on promoting DHA and will write column for The Crier, get info to Board as well as other things including the parade and Light up Dunwoody.
The Villages-We need to look at where we live and sign up for planning committees so we can plan for future re-dos as well as new development.
Board Discussion and Votes
Bank of North Georgia- a motion was made and seconded to support the application pending a written agreement with DHA on specifics and to authorize the President to sign the agreement. The motion was approved with a unanimous vote.
South Trust/Barry Realty-There was a discussion on their request for less parking. Marriott said they don’t think they need it since there will be no large ballroom. The agreement is for 756 but they may request a variance to change parking. Gordon said their hotel should be able to handle 100% of the parking. A motion was made and seconded to support their request and approved the President’s signing the written agreement and approved with a unanimous vote.