1. Approval of Minutes from August 6, 2006.
Upon motion, and second, the minutes were approved unanimously.
2. Zoning and Development
a) Fulton Update. Representative Dave Greenspan reported on several topics.
i. A study for the redesign of the intersection at Dunwoody Club Dr. and Spalding Dr. is funded.
ii. Efforts are being made to get all homeowners associations into the Sandy Springs Crime Watch program.
iii. Greenspan’s next Town Hall meeting is on September 27, 2006.
iv. A request is forthcoming to redevelop Roberts Dr. at Roswell Rd. to 41 townhouses. Currently there are 3 homes at that site.
b) Peachtree-Dunwoody Hotel site update by Bill Grossman Sandy Springs officials stated the original density number of 115K sq ft. per acre was a typo and the actual density is 85K sq ft. Inclusion of Marta property at the location increased the total acreage to just over 3 acres. The project is expected to meet a 15% green space goal. The landscape plan is not complete. Traffic congestion concerns remain high.
c) Ash.-Dwdy/ Mt. Vernon intersection update Bill Grossman requested a copy of the final design plan.
d) Warren Jolly property in Village Nick Nicodemous and others met with Mr. Jolly regarding his plans to redevelop a portion of Dunwoody Village. The group will meet again in two weeks to continue their discussion.
3. Community Pride
Al Tiede designed Dunwoody Street Topper advertisements. The Dunwoody Crier has offered to run them at no charge as space allows.
4. Code Infractions: No report
5. Community Affairs
i. Pam Tallmadge will chair the 4th of July Parade
ii. Light Up Dunwoody organizers seek event sponsorships.
6. PDK Update: No report
7. Brook Run
i. Bill Robinson asked DHA to donate up to $5000 in seed money to help with the establishment of the 501(c)3 Brook Run Conservancy. Upon motion, second, and approval the board supported this request with $2500 payable immediately, and up to $2500 in the future.
ii. Nick Nicodemous reports the County is evaluating bids for the Skate Park.
8. Messages and Updates from President
a) Membership Mailing: No update
b) Board Development Senator Dan Weber and Representative Dave Greenspan have accepted ex-officio member status on the DHA board.
c) The PCID annual meeting is on November 17, 2006.
d) There will be road construction for several months around Perimeter Mall.
e) The Sandy Springs Conservancy meets October 4, 2006.
f) Flag Bank invites the board to their reception on September 19, 2006.
g) DHA Annual Meeting is January 21, 2007 at 2:00 PM.
9. Upon motion, second, and approval, the meeting was adjourned.