Board of Directors

Board members are selected by the president as spaces become available.

Board members serve open terms and may remain in their role as long as they wish to remain active and attend monthly board meetings.

Executive members are elected to three-year terms at the annual meeting after being proposed by a nominating committee the previous year.

Executive members determine their offices each year after the annual meeting.

Executive Board 2025-2026

Tim Brown President (2028)
Bob Fiscella Vice President (2028)
Debbie Montgomery Secretary (2026)
Bill Grossman At Large (2028)
Gerri Penn At Large (2028)


Rick Callahan Caren Morrison
Bob Dallas Gerri Penn
Joe De Vita Jeanie Posner
Adrienne Duncan Michael Rock
Suanne (Su) Ellis Tom Taylor
Bob Fiscella Matt Weber
William (Bill) Grossman Robert Wittenstein
Debbie Montgomery


Richard W. (Rick) Jones Ken Wright III

