• Jan Akers informed everyone about the Dunwoody United Methodist Church’s 50 Plus Health Fair, Options for Optimum Living on May 3rd.
  • Tom Stubbs introduced himself as a candidate for DeKalb County Superior Court.
  • Bill Robinson announced the Wine Tasting at Fresh Market for the Dunwoody Stage Door Players on April 23.
  • Joyce Amacher said they need volunteers for Lemonade Days from April 18-20. There are two hour shifts. Dunwoody Arts Guild is a participant in Lemonade Days on Friday and Saturday.
  • The motion was made to accept the minutes of March 2, 2008 and the motion was seconded and approved unanimously.


  • MJCC Assisted Living – Den Webb said they had acquired the house and property next to theirs which is .6 acre. It would be a faith based senior residence with a synagogue so there would be 90 units instead of 141. They will have students there for Talmudic study so that will make it fit into the monastery category. They have written agreements with the residents to the east of the property and are very close to an agreement with the residents of Oakhurst Walk to the west of the property. Gregory, one of the eight residents said they have come a long way on buffers and façade and about 95% there. Joe Hirsh, who lives further down on Womack near the high school, is opposed and said that R100 does not permit Assisted Living, it does not meet the definition of a monastery.
  • Prudential Realty Sign – they are putting the welcome center sign under their existing sign.
  • Barry Realty/The Terraces – Laurel David They have removed the condo tower and want to add three restaurants and will make capital improvements. In order to put in 8,000 square feet restaurants, they have to go through loops and have to apply for a SLUP for existing buildings for height, rezoning from O&I to OCR and need variances for setbacks and parking.
  • Atlantic Realty, Meadow Lane Hotel – Den Webb The Spring Hill Suites is not part of the parcel with town homes and they are applying for rezoning to O&I, a SLUP and variance.


  • July 4th Parade – Bill Robinson
    The theme is Dunwoody Salutes Celebrating Freedom and the grand marshals are Fran Millar and Dan Weber.
  • Light Up Dunwoody – Gordon
    They made contact with Shops of Dunwoody for expansion and are waiting to hear back from them.
  • Code Infractions – Gerri Penn
    The officer for our area is now Officer Bryant with an overlap of Officer Zellars. The March list of complaints is about 90% resolved and 10% ongoing. There is a hearing for some of the complaints on May 14th at Recorders Court at 8:30 AM. Gerri would appreciate the support of other board member attending the hearing. Banners are not allowed at all in the overlay district and must be permitted outside the overlay at maximum twice a year for 16 days each. Religious Institutions are not exempt.
  • Parks
    Gordon set a meeting with the neighborhood representative, the conservancy and Don Converse of Citizens for Dunwoody to talk about issues i.e. monies, environmental issues and plans.
  • Sidewalks – Dennis Crean
    There are three high priority projects not done yet on N. Peachtree, Winters Chapel and Dunwoody Club Drive. Money is tight and they hope to be done in 2008. Work needs to be done on ADA ramps on Peachford and Peeler is short on ramps. N. Peachtree Rd. ramps need repair.


  • Villages of Dunwoody
    Gordon thanked the Board for their response to volunteering for a village. Gordon may need to even out the list. The committees will start shortly. He met with the developer of Georgetown Shopping Center.
  • Signage Crier Article
    Gordon is working on it and may start a piece that would say i.e. Did you know that garage sales violate the codes of Dekalb County?
  • Forums
    DHA will host and informational meeting on May 15 at Dunwoody United Methodist Church and DHA will remain impartial on the Cityhood issue. There will be another information meeting on June 19th pending the outcome of the first one. Bill asked Gordon to coordinate with the audio visual person at the church.


  • MJCC Assisted Living - The motion was made to support the application for Assisted Living as an accessory use to the Marcus Jewish Community Center as long as it remains R100. The motion was seconded and carried.
  • Barry Realty/The Terraces - The motion was made to support their request for a rezoning, SLUP and variances. It was seconded and carried.

Meeting was adjourned.
