Selection of Officers

Chip Franzoni announced that he is moving from Dunwoody and can no longer serve as President. Al Tiede resigned as Vice President but is staying as an Elected Director. Chip read by-laws for filling a Board Vacancy. Bill Robinson and Nick Nicodemus, Nominating Committee, submitted Gordon Jackson as President and Sherman Dudley as Vice President. Motion was made to accept the nomination of Gordon Jackson, President and Sherman Dudley, Vice President. It was seconded and motion carried. Chip turned the meeting over to Gordon Jackson. Gordon presented Chip with a plaque and thanked him for his service to DHA.

Approval of Minutes

Upon motion and second the May 6 minutes were approved.

Sponsor-a-Space Beautification

Max Lehmann of the Quinn Group announced that his company would maintain and landscape the triangle at Village Place Center, which is at Winters Chapel/Peeler Road.

Bill Grant has volunteered to take care of the maintenance and landscaping of Dunwoody Village Parkway.

Gordon thanked Lehmann and Grant for their service to the Dunwoody Community.

Community Affairs

Classic Dunwoody Cruise-In
Rick Woroniecki discussed Classic Cruise Nights at Dunwoody Village the third Thursday night starting in March and going thru October. Show cars are 20-year-old classic cars. There will be a small charge and all proceeds will go to charity. He is talking to Regency about having this in front of Fresh Market.

Dunwoody Award
David Schreiber said that he would like to start a Dunwoody Citizen of the Year Award. He would like this to be an ongoing award with a plaque given to the recipient and have an article in the CRIER. Nominations would be made from the community after the first award. A committee was set up to determine how to bring this about. The committee members are Al Tiede, Bill Robinson, and Lynn Deutsch.

4th July Parade

Dick Williams announced that 2 bands are confirmed for the parade and approximately 50 entries have been received. Discussion followed on DHA Board members leading the parade with the DHA banner.

Light Up Dunwoody – Collins

No report at this time

Code Infractions

Gerri Penn will fax a list of code infractions by Wednesday. If anyone sees a violation, please report these to Geri. She is working with Al Tiede to put something on the website regarding signs, etc.

Wall at 5031 Chamblee Dunwoody—Still working on this.


Glaze Drive
Neighborhood is still working on this. Bob Lundsten has excused himself from the appeal hearing in July. It was suggested that Susan Garrett file a temporary restraining order.

Brook Run Update
John Heneghan is asking DeKalb County for a public hearing on Policies and Procedures for Brook Run.

Messages & Updates from President

This month’s Crier column author—Bill Grossman

Board Discussion and Votes

Board members have met with HCA regarding Shallowford Road development. Concerns were mentioned regarding 400 apartments at Dunwoody Park development.

Bill Grossman attended a meeting in Mill Glen regarding Residential Overlay Infill District and the meeting was very well attended. He will continue to monitor this situation.

Bentley Bed and Breakfast—A motion was made to oppose the redevelopment of Bentley Bed and Breakfast. It was seconded and motion passed.

Al Tiede presented Chip with a gavel and Chip adjourned the meeting.
