After Ken Wright , DHA President, welcomed attendees, Fran Millar introduced special guests. Ken Wright then recognized the DHA Board of Directors.

Ken Wright reviewed highlights from 2003.

Sign at Dunwoody Village has been ruled by DeKalb County as a violation and has committed to have it removed. The board has requested Ted Rinehart of DeKalb County to enforce its signage regulations.

Ken Wright presented a slide show of signage issues, bad and good development, Dunwoody Village Parkway , new developments that DHA negotiated with in 2003 and areas where the DHA has requested county involvement for sidewalks and road repairs. Ken noted the continuous work and help provided by Martin Cook and his new business : Euro Werks center.

Sherman Dudley presented the current plans and general thinking for the Dunwoody Beautification projects throughout Dunwoody. Bill Grant was noted for his stepping forward to landscape and maintain three triangles in Dunwoody.

Dennis Crean was recognized for his leadership with the Dunwoody Rotary for the welcome to Dunwoody sign project.

Brook Run – presentation by the Marylyn Drew - County Representative outlining the plans for the playground. The plans are about 75% complete and will be completed this spring and construction to be completed during the summer and open in the fall. During Q&A, Marylyn noted that DeKalb police patrols the park.

Yvonne Williams – Director of the PCID – updated those assembled on the sidewalk and light improvements that are being implemented in the Perimeter Community Improvement District. The flyover bridge is under design.

Sonny Jester – DeKalb County Blue Ribbon School task force – Sonny outlined the work that the task force is undertaking to achieve a balancing of the schools and development of school programs. It is hoped that the balancing of the schools would eliminate the need for portable classrooms.

Eva Galambos provided an update for the City of Sandy Springs campaign. It is hoped that this is the year that the legislature will approve the bill allowing for the city to incorporate.

Merchant of the Year – Bill Phillips presented Fran Fuchs of Peachtree Bank.

Lemonade Days – April will once again be the time for Lemonade Days with activities at Brook Run. Activities will include a parade, run and other events.

Light up Dunwoody report – Margaret Cole provided an update for the 2004 event and how it will be even better than the last year’s event. Included in the planning is a parade and kids programs.

Fourth of July Parade – Bill Robinson noted that since the 4th is on a Sunday, the parade would be on the national recognized holiday Monday July 5th.

Election of new executive board officers – Bill Robinson announced that the nominating committee has nominated Brian Smith and John Snelling s to the executive board. The general membership voted unanimously to endorse the nominations.

Questions from the floor:

Traffic light timing – smart lights are installed at several intersections and a request for the light at Dunwoody Club and Mt. Vernon be updated to a smart light. Smart lights are those lights that react to traffic crossing sensors in the roads.

Skydiver signs – Member of the audience who is a judge asked to have the county to pursue the signage violations and bring them to court for proper handling.

Crier Newspapers – Bill Robinson thanked Dick Williams for his dedication and help in the community.

Liana Levetan complemented the DHA for all of their hard work in the community.
