Gordon Jackson, President, called the DHA Annual Meeting to order.
Fran Millar recognized invited guests. Gordon introduced DHA Board members and thanked them for their work.
Gordon presented a slide show of activities that DHA had been involved in 2007 and introduced ideas for 2008.
Reports were given by the following: Pam Tallmadge, 4th of July Parade; Sharon Collins, Light Up Dunwoody; Bill MaCahan, Brook Run Conservancy; Danny Ross, Dunwoody Preservation Trust; Yvonne Williams, PCID Development; Frank Danchetz, revive285 Top End; and Lewis Grisoglio, Marta.
Gordon presented the Merchant of the Year Award to Dr. Jeffrey G. Priluck DMD MAGD and Dr Albert P. Nordone DMD of “Dentristy with a Difference” for their contributions to the community.
Bill Robinson nominated the following for the Executive Board for three-year terms: Renata Herod (2010) and Geri Penn (2010) to replace two members whose terms have expired. Other members of Executive Committee are Gordon Jackson, Bill Grossman, Barbara Dodds, and Al Tiede. Motion was made to accept the nominations and motion carried.
Gordon took questions from the audience on various issues.
The meeting was adjourned.