Welcome and recognition of distinguished visitors by Bob Ficella, VP

Bill Grossman gave a month by month breakdown of DHA activities during 2012

Alan Mothner spoke on DNC and presented the Dave Adams award. Georgia Development Partners and Doosan Infracore were the recipients of the 2012 Dave Adams Award.

Robert Egizio gave an update on The Stage Door Players and their upcoming season.

Bill Grossman presented the 2012 Citizen of the year award to City of Dunwoody Police Chief Billy Grogan.

Mayor Mike Davis made a few remarks.

Pam Tallmadge gave us background on Parade and Light Up events.

Bill Grossman presented a Community Service Award to Dunwoody Community Garden at Brook Run for their successful actions since start up.

Nominations for executive committee were conducted by Bill Robinson. Joe Tuttle was continued on the executive committee for another 3 year term and Jim Redovian started a 3 year term as well.

Bill Grossman talked about the Dunwoody Public schools and the need for DHA to get involved. Bill spoke about the upcoming local election season and recommended asking local candidates to pledge that they will not accept campaign donations from anyone who does not live or work in the City Limits. In addition he recommended a pledge to accept no more that $100 from any individual. Lastly Bill conducted a question and answer session. Meeting was adjourned

Executive committee met to elect officers immediately after the annual membership meeting. For 2013 Stacey Harris is President, Heyward Wescott is Vice President. Joe Tuttle is Treasurer and Bill Grossman became Secretary.
