Zoning and Development
- Development - Stables - located at Mt Vernon and Spalding road
The application was pulled by applicant. - Mt Vernon/Ashford Dunwoody RD intersection/green space
A presentation was made by representatives of URS and DeKalb County’s Ted Rhinehart. DHA questions included requests for better pedestrian safety crossing the proposed free flow right turn lane at Mt. Vernon. The DHA requested a pedestrian light to allow safe crossing. URS stated that the DOT did not like pavers because of upkeep and that pedestrian lighting was not budgeted for this project. Both are requests of the DHA. Discussions will continue. - Kingswood Methodist Church- Expansion
Dunwoody resident Bill McCahan presented plans along with Sr. Pastor Dave Benson & architect, Steve Ray, for a 28,000 square foot expansion. It was presented that all surrounding neighbors have been notified and involved in the expansion plans. The detention pond would move from the east side to the west side. Concerns were brought up by the DHA on the color of the expansion’s proposed tin roof. The architect agreed the roof would be of neutral colors and of a pitch that would blend in with the surroundings. - MJCCA at Zaban possible expansion
Discussion deferred until May meeting. - Chamblee Dunwoody development- Bill Grant
No report - Mount Vernon Place, 1 acre proposed development
No report - O&I change in language update- Bob Lundsten
No report
2. Community notes and presentations:
- Peachtree Middle School:
Chip reported that everything has been approved for the new school’s construction.
3. Brook Run Update:
- Bill McCahan reported that the playground is under construction. The Activity Garden should be completed by September. Bill gave a report on the proposed skate park and additional features for the Brook Run area.
4. Messages and updates from the President:
- Ken Wright reported news that 6.7 acres of O&I property were bought in the perimeter Central area of Dunwoody for $11 million dollars. 398 apartments are to be built. He reported there was no public or government input on this acquisition and planned development because of DeKalb County’s current O&I classification does not require any.
5. Reported Code Infractions
- No Report
6. Web site & ”other” updates- Celeste Webb
- DHA Logo bids were discussed and deferred until May meeting for vote.
7. Communications – Monthly updates – Bill Robinson
- No Report
8. PDK Update
- No Report
9. Board Discussions and votes
- None