Pres. Bill Grossman welcomes Councilmen Terry Nall, Doug Thompson and John Heneghan as well as State Senator Fran Miller.
- Approval of March minutes
- Berman Commons assisted living facility on Womack Rd. (part of Jewish Federation). Represented by attorney Ted Sandler. Originally made presentation in 2008 (to DeKalb County). This year’s proposal has modifications. Three stories were approved then (SLUP), now down to two stories on wings of project with three-stories in the middle (a total of 90 units, almost entirely single-person units). Asking for two variances – one on height. Ordinance calls for 35 feet. Average is 35 feet. However, at some areas of structure, it would be 42-44 feet. City says no part of the building can be more than 35 feet. Can construct Mansard roof within code, but would rather not – it would not look as nice (potential for AC units on roof). Neighbors would rather have variance than Mansard or “shed” roof. The second variance is for the stream buffer – from 75-feet to zero. Without second stream buffer variance, “it will make it difficult to build the project.” Will go before the Zoning Board of Appeals on May 3.
- Recap of the Glaze Drive dirt dump issue Since our last minute, city staff worked with the dirt distributor on a resolution so that the dirt will be dumped at alternate sites (including Brook Run Park). Since March meeting, the city has passed a resolution for dumping dirt (1,000 cubic yards and 20 dump truck loads per lifetime of property).
- Adopt-A-Spot initiative for 2012
- Proposed changes to City of Dunwoody stream buffer regulations (to change the definition of a stream).
- Project Renaissance – A New Georgetown. Councilman Thompson said he expects only one developer to be chosen for all 35 acres. Separate easements. The expected development is much better than what DHA could negotiate or expect.
- Memorial Day Ceremony Update (Bill Robinson) Pole banners have been purchased. Ceremonies set for May 28 at 10am.
Board Only Discussion
The DHA approves a motion to support a peaked-gable roof on the Berman Commons project, with a height of 35 feet, per city code.
DHA unanimously approves $10,000 for Adopt-A-Spot initiative.