President Stacey Harris called the meeting to order and welcomed City Councilmen Nall, Thompson and Heneghan to the meeting. March minutes were approved with no changes.
John Coleman, our district 1 DCSS board of education representative introduced himself to the board and told the board about his background. He discussed his focus on retaining accreditation for the school system and went on to answer several questions from the audience.
Attorney Dennis Webb gave a presentation to the board on the Sterling Point development proposed for Ashford-Dunwoody Road. Questions focused on the developer’s request for a new curb cut on Ashford Dunwoody. The Board later voted to oppose the requested curb cut.
Bettie Cagle with Redbird Events made a presentation to the board requesting partnership for a 12 week Thursday night Music and food truck series of events at Brook Run Park. The Board later voted to Partner with Redbird as the presenting sponsor on a 12 week test of the concept at Brook Run; with free music and food for sale from vendors.
Joe Seconder presented to the board requesting support for the Bike Ride Around Dunwoody concept. Later the Board voted to provide volunteers and $500.
Bill Grossman updated the Board on the completion of the Mt. Vernon DHA sponsored Adopt-a-Spot. The City is to install signage crediting DHA at the spot.
Brent Morris gave a presentation on the Dunwoody Soap Box Derby and asked for support. The Board later voted to award support of $1000 for 2013 to the soap Box Derby.
Joe Tuttle gave a Quarterly Finance Presentation in the board only session at the end of the meeting and after discussions and votes noted above President Harris adjourned the meeting.