Approval of Minutes
Upon motion and second the July 1 minutes were approved.
Gordon announced that the Dunwoody community is invited to Zaban Park on August 12 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. for swimming, food, etc.
Annual Jewish Festival is August 26 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Parking will be at Georgia Perimeter College.
Zoning and Development
First Baptist Church of Atlanta
Representatives from the church were invited to this Board meeting, but they did not attend.GID Development—Woody Galloway
High Street, which is a 42-acre development on the west side of Perimeter Mall, will be developed in phases—a 15-year plan. Thirty-six acres are in DeKalb County and 6 acres are in Sandy Springs. This is a mixed used project—office, residential, hotel, and retail uses—500 residential units and 200 condos. They will build from back to front. Phase 1 is middle of zoning at this time and this phase will include existing buildings, a park, and large surface parking lots will be removed. The one-acre park will have activity on all 4 sides. High Street will have parallel parking, which will create a walkable environment for pedestrians. Discussion followed on construction time, green space, entrances, etc. GID asked that DHA have a small group committee to work with them to develop this property. Gordon will appoint committee.Dunwoody Village Court Update—Warren Jolly
This property is at the corner of Dunwoody Village Parkway and Mt. Vernon—8.2 acres. This property now has 4 office buildings. Building 1536 will be converted to office condos. If all goes well with this, other buildings will be converted to office condos. Discussion followed on area in back of this complex, sidewalks, and construction time.Novare SLUP
Motion was made and seconded to support the application of the Novare Group for development of the southwest corner of Hammond and Perimeter Center Parkway as presented in the last meeting. Motion passed.
Code Infractions
The officer for code infractions has a very large territory so it takes time to get violations corrected. Email Gerri Penn with infractions in area.
Community Affairs
4th of July Parade
The parade had a record number of entries and spectators. There were several thousand at the end of the parade. More volunteers are needed because of the growth of the parade. The committee will be working on ways to improve next year’s parade and they would like to build on revenues.Light Up Dunwoody—No report
Brook Run
Board discussed Brook Run Conservancy Committee, skate park hours, lights, painting on sidewalks, etc. A suggestion was made that a parks and green space committee be formed to deal with complaints regarding the skate park.
Messages and Updates from President
Panera Bread Sign
Roof sign will look exactly like the old one. New monument sign will comply with Overlay District.RBC Centura ATM
They were asked to incorporate this into their building. They are to get back with DHA.Regional Transportation
Gordon is on a community action committee for Revive Top End of 285. He, Don Boyken, and Bill Grossman have a meeting set up with PCID to look at overall transportation issues.CRIER column author—Gordon will get with Dick concerning this.
Board Discussion and Votes
Glaze Drive Update
Bill Grossman and two homeowners attended the preliminary hearing. No response from the attorney at this time.Dennis Crean met with DeKalb County to update on sidewalks. He will continue to be liaison with the County.
The meeting was adjourned.