Meeting called to order by Bill Grossman at 7:32.

Nancy Jester was welcomed to Dunwoody.

Terry Nall announced his candidacy for district 1 at large council.

Bob Dallas was present to speak on his candidacy for mayor.

Motion to approve minutes from July - Jim R., Terry N. second, approved

Starbucks on Ashford-Dunwoody by Ravinia. It does need to be re-zoned because it is a site plan change. Starbucks is not ready for presentation.

Chick-fil-A – on hold for DC Drive/Mt. Vernon location
They are in negotiations with Macy’s to take over Goodyear location for a restaurant fronting Hammond. DHA committee for PCID will meet with them when they are ready.

Wendy’s – The current rendering of proposed restaurant at Perimeter Pointe was passed around. Construction will begin next week on entrances and parking. The groundbreaking for the restaurant is scheduled for Oct.

Joyce A. asked for trash receptacles for DHS. The current ones from DeKalb County are tacky and plastic, they are asking for donations for metal/stainless steel ones.

Stacey H. updated re-paving and Complete Street policy under consideration by city council.

Bill G. asked for a working group to develop questions on the park bond referendum for a survey to membership.
This started a discussion on the park bond itself.
Stacey, Greg, Jim, Terry, Joyce, Jean, Bill volunteered to develop questions.

Paperwork has been finalized, including insurance, for forum on DHS on 10/13. It will begin at 7pm. Dick Williams will be the moderator.

LUD – Pam Tallmadge has agreed to take on the task. DPT has agreed to participate. Plans are underway. Negotiations are underway for upscale mobile food trucks.

DHA bought banners for parade. Bill R. would like DHA to buy new ones. Banners cost $100 apiece – need 24. Parade committee would like to take $2500 from parade profit and purchase new ones with a new design.

Brookhaven study is looking at 2 things – 1) annexation by Dunwoody and/or Chamblee and is a city of Brookhaven economically viable.

Bill R. made a motion to support DHS Wildcat Fund for $2500 to purchase trash receptacles. Greg c. seconded. Motion was passed 8-6.

Greg C. made a motion to draft a letter to the city of Dunwoody expressing displeasure, Fran seconded. Motion 10-3, 1 abstain.

Meeting adjourned 9:08pm
