Pres. Bill Grossman welcomes State Sen. Fran Millar and Dunwoody Councilors Terry Nall and Doug Thompson. Alan Mothner announced Dunwoody Nature Center’s Butterfly Festival. Needs volunteers – go to website.

  1. Approval of July minutes.
  2. Recap of 4th of July parade. One change concerning floats, children under 12-years old on the float must now have adult supervision. Monetarily, the DHA came close to breaking even. Recap of TSPLOST debate at Georgia Perimeter College. It was a two-hour program that was well received. Attendance was light, approximately 40 people.
  3. Discussion of feasible Dunwoody fire and rescue/EMS services. Terry Nall spoke of DeKalb’s millage rate increase of 22 percent and DeKalb taking Rescue Unit 12 out of Dunwoody as reasons why we need to look at the feasibility of having our own services (or alternate services). He also spoke of continued issues with EMS dispatch (between DeKalb Co. and Chatcomm. It drives home that we don’t have control of dispatch. Also spoke of advantage of having our own fire marshal for building inspection, etc. Bob Lundsten spoke of out-sourcing EMS like Sandy Springs and many surrounding municipalities do. Doug Thompson spoke of costs. DeKalb keeps raising its costs. Robert Wittenstein says it will be very difficult for Dunwoody to have a fire department at the same cost that DeKalb provides services.
  4. Update on DHS ball field restrooms campaign. Following up on Councilman Denis Shortal’s proposal. New DHS principal Noel Maloof is a strong proponent. Those behind the campaign are looking for the DHA to financially support the $52,000 project. The campaign currently has raised $20,000. Councilman Shortal likely will be back at October meeting for update.
  5. Update and discussion on Zoning Rewrite Module 1: Zoning District Framework. Stacey Harris was at the city’s August 1st public meeting and recapped. Discussion on home-based businesses. Also, discussion of homeowners visibly keeping commercial vehicles and equipment on their property.

Board Only Discussion

Meeting adjourned at 8:55pm. Next board meeting: Sunday, September 9, 2012.
