Public Meeting 

Announcements and introductions of distinguished visitors

 Adrienne announced that the September Board Meeting is the last one at Spruill.  The Candidate Forum is September 22ndat 2pm at Dunwoody High School.  The next DHA  Board Meeting is Sept. 8th.  Council members Lynn Deutsch and Terry Nall were in attendance.

Introduction of Candidates for office with qualifications on August 19th

Terry Nall Councilman at Large for District 1 is running for Mayor.  Lynn Deutsch Councilwoman at Large for District 2 is running for Mayor.  Joe Seconder is running for District 2 Councilman at Large.  Stacey Harris and Robert Miller were both out of town and are running for District 1 Council seat at Large.

Area Committees – Call for participants

The committees are 285, Education, Residential Development and Commercial Development.  Tim Brown and Bill Grossman are working on the residential/commercial development.

Marissa Evans  - Funding for Dunwoody Elementary School

With the funds they raised last year, they were able to refinish the turf on the playground, bring in authors, and support teacher training.  They are requesting a $1,000.00 as we donated last year.

Despina Lamas – sponsorship Request for Dunwoody Dash by Austin Elementary School

They use the money for a paraprofessional and STEM teacher.  They are asking for a sponsorship and gave Adrienne the paperwork.

Educate Dunwoody – New steps in accountability for DeKalb County School System & how DHA can help

 Despina Lamas, Michelle Fincher and Leah Marcus are co-founders formed Educate Dunwoody a few weeks ago for oversight of buildings and grounds for our schools.  Some trailers in Dunwoody have been there for 10 years and are in poor condition.  They formed Educate Dunwoody to fight for the students.  They need DHA to speak up and represent Homeowners of Dunwoody.  The next Board of Education Meeting is August 12 at 5:45pm. DHA can speak at meetings and send letters.  They would like to see a plan from DCS that will help our schools.  Lynn Deutsch suggested having an ”ask” and keep it simple and short. Tom Taylor said that the State Board does nothing.   He said we have the highest millage rate with the lowest outcome.  They would like to make a joint statement with DHA. Terry Nall said we might want to have a community wide approach and Amy said we could get State Senator Sally Harrell involved.

Bill Robinson and Code Enforcement – Bill said he had great results with Code Enforcement when he reported a violation.  He suggested going to the City to report violations.

Board -Only Discussion  - no quorum so we couldn’t vote

  •  Adrienne said we can have a proxy vote for funding.
  • Adrienne said that Educate Dunwoody would like to partner with us like the Farmers Market.  Lots of suggestions were made by Board members as follows:  invite School Board to public meeting, pay professionals to access schools, exempt large companies like State Farm from school taxes.  Adrienne will get with Educate Dunwoody Group to discuss bullet points.
  • Adjourn

Respectfully submitted by,

Gerri Penn, Recording Secretary
