Announcements and introductions of distinguished visitors – 

State Senator Fran Millar, State Representative Tom Taylor, and City Councilmen Terry Nall and John Heneghan were in attendance.

Light Up Dunwoody

Adrienne announced that this year’s Light Up Dunwoody was the biggest yet.  Adrienne thanked Nina Arnold and Siobhan Finnegan, LUD organizers for their hard work.  There were 2-3,000 in attendance and there was $6,500.00 in sponsorships.  

Public Discussion:  Kingsley Infill Development

Mr. Donner, the developer made a presentation to the DHA Board a couple months ago.  Jana Lynn is the owner of the access easement which is between Tilly Mill Rd. and Seaton Dr.  She owns and lives on a 6 ½ acre property.  Mr. Donner wants to build 7 cottages on a four-acre parcel.  He wants to buy 9/10 of an acre from Ms. Lynn to make a two-lane road and she said no.  He would be marketing this to active seniors and she is concerned about traffic.  The private road is for access for one resident not multiple addresses.  She would prefer no zoning change from R100 and that he build 3-4 large homes.  She has spoken to a zoning attorney.

Side note

State Representative, Tom Taylor mentioned the 10th Anniversary of the City of Dunwoody.  He thanked Councilman John Heneghan for the videos.  Later in the agenda, Tom asked for a moment of silence in memory of President George H W Bush.

2018 Financial Review and 2019 Budget

Adrienne said the 4th of July income was lower than in the past as we did not have a platinum sponsor, but we also did not have any naturalization expenses.  We are using instead of PayPal which is saving DHA money in fees.  Fifty percent of our membership is signing up on line.  Adrienne has spoken to Jay Kapp about overhauling the DHA web site.

The budget we presented and there were some questions but no dissention.


Austin Elementary School Sponsorship – No vote as we did not have a quorum.

Gerri suggested that we have someone from GDOT speak to the Board about Revive 285.

Meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted by,

Gerri Penn, Recording Secretary
