1. Approval of Minutes
Upon motion and second, the December 3, 2006 minutes were approved.

2. Variance Request
Lauren Hansford and Woody Galloway of Dillard & Galloway, LLC requested DHA support for a variance to allow a third sign (on Crown Center Parkway) for the Perimeter Point Loehmans due to the property being a corner parcel. With the proposed downsizing of the main storefront existing sign, the total area for all three signs will be less than that of the original two. Upon motion and second, the board voted to support the variance request.

3. Zoning and Development

Baye City Dev./ Sembler condo tower Perim. Place – Ken Baye / Den Webb
Baye City Development asked DHA support for a second owner occupied high rise near the Manhattan building, behind the Joey D’s restaurant on an wooded 1.66 acre parcel. Condominium units in the proposed high rise will have a higher price point than that of its Manhattan neighbor. Upon motion and second, the DHA board voted to approve in concept the development, subject to further discussions on signage, pedestrian access and the final exterior design and finish.

Intown Land Company, N. Shallowford SLUP – Mark Forsling
Intown Land Company requested DHA support for a Special Land Use Permit (SLUP) needed to build an apartment complex of 235 units with a 4 story parking deck on N. Shallowford Road adjacent to the Georgia Power facility. On motion, and second, the board voted not to support the SLUP application. Concerns were raised about the project’s impact on community infrastructure as well as setting a precedent for nearby O&I zoned developments. [Grossman, speaking for the DHA board asked for a denial at the Feb. 13 DeKalb BOC hearing; but the item was deferred for 30 days on a motion by Commissioner Boyer.]
On a separate matter Forsling told us that the RBC bank would like to redevelop the Dunwoody Village Parkway location (between Mellow Mushroom and the Ace Hardware) Forsling was furnished with a copy of the Overlay District Ordinance for his client to follow.

Dunwoody Village redevelopment – Lundsten
Warren Jolly is working closely with the DHA in his design for an owner-occupied community in Dunwoody Village to be located on property he owns that is zoned O&I and allows for this type of development.

Home Depot relocation
The Tilly Mill Road Home Depot has asked DHA support for a relocation across the street in a plaza formerly occupied by Friday’s restaurant. In the new project Home Depot has agreed to address community complaints regarding unsightly outside storage. The board voted to take no formal action as this location is outside of Dunwoody.

Fulton update. Representative Dave Greenspan
No report.

City of Dunwoody update
Tom Taylor and Joe DeVita report that the City bill and accompanying legislation are progressing through the legislative session.

4. Community Pride

Street toppers
Barbara Dodds reported that all in stock toppers have been assigned locations. Upon motion and second, the board voted to approve a reorder of 150 units. The early incentive trinkets will no longer be provided with a sponsorship.

Web site changes
Al Tiede will chair an effort to update the DHA website.

5. Code Infractions

Mtg with Commissioner Boyer and Nancy Lawrence (in November)
Follow-up by Code Enforcement has been mixed

Perimeter Point Target will replace their internally lit sign with one that is back lit. Wal-Mart will correct the sign infractions on their building.

6. Community Affairs

4th July Parade
No report.

Light Up Dunwoody
Sharon Collins looks forward to leading the effort this year. On motion and second, the board voted to buy two additional rings for the artificial Christmas tree.

7. Brook Run

John Henegan presented the Brook Run Conservancy a historical document and an old three dimensional rendering of the park. There was considerable discussion regarding developments in Brook Run. Chip Franzoni will contact DeKalb County Parks Director Marilyn Boyd Drew to arrange a community meeting and information exchange.

8. Messages & Updates from President

2007 elected directors
Chip Franzoni, president, Al Tiede, VP, Barbara Dodds, treasurer, Bill Grossman, secretary, Gordon Jackson, at-large, Gerri Penn, at-large

Street Topper initiative
A volunteer to lead the effort is needed

Charlene Thurman will record the minutes at meetings she is able to attend. While paid as DHA’s part time administrator, she will accept no pay for this task.

Next DHA board meeting is Sunday, March 4, 2007, 7:30 P.M. North DeKalb Cultural Arts Bldg, Rm. 4
