Gordon Jackson, President, called the meeting to order and welcomed Board Members and visitors.

Announcements - Gerri Penn announced the upcoming Dunwoody North General Meeting on February, 17, 2009 at 7 PM with guest speakers Warren Hutmacher, City Manager for the City of Dunwoody and Police Chief Billy Grogan for the City of Dunwoody. Gordon said the Farmhouse will be undergoing renovations and Charlene and our office will need to go to another site for which they are presently doing a search.


Approval of Minutes – for December 7, 2008 regular Board Meeting, January 11, 2009 General Membership Meeting and Executive Committee Meeting. All minutes were approved unanimously.

Zoning and Development – there were no applications to hear

Community Affairs –

  • Peachtree Charter Middle School Sign - Michael Culver asked this item be moved to the March Agenda
  • New 4th/5th Grade Academy – Jonathan Clark said there has been wonderful support from the community. He said that about 65% of the classroom walls are built. The school should be ready to receive a Certificate of Occupancy in June. He has met with the staff and they are working on setting up overnight field trips. They are in the process of naming the school and you can go to the web site to make your suggestion. Robin Burch is the community liaison. The roof color has been changed from red to gray. The school will have three outdoor spaces. He announced that the starting time is 7:30 AM with bus arrival starting at 7 AM. He had no answer on the buses and traffic problems on Womack and Tilly Mill Rd. Gordon announced that he was pleased with the attendance of all of the area principals at the annual meeting.
  • Dunwoody High School Expansion – Sonny Jester informed us that part of SPLOST 3 is allocated to Dunwoody High School. The top priority is revamping the HVAC. There will be two expansions of 12,000 sq. ft. of classroom space and an auditorium will be added with 15,000 sq. ft. and a 650 seat capacity. That is the concept but they have yet to see schematic drawings. It was mentioned that the committee was told that the School System was discussing adding a third floor. Sonny said they prefer a horizontal expansion over a vertical expansion which would minimize the disturbance to the main structure. The architects are Perkins and Will. Sonny stated that they have not been given budget breakdown or start time. There will be a redesign of the parking. The committee is working with the neighbors. Gordon said that Dr. Harris is very passionate about this project and is really working hard at getting the best possible improvements. They would like to comeback at the March meeting if they have drawings.
  • Code Enforcement - Gerri said the list is ready for submission and asked that code violations be e-mailed to her.
  • Overlay District Revision - Gordon said that Mayor Wright appointed a committee of seven to review the overlay boundaries, streetscape, and signage. They are also working on an adopt a spot program.

Messages and Updates from the President

  • DHA Board Members Service on City Boards - There has been a question of ethics as to whether there is a conflict. Bob Lundsten does not see a conflict with the DHA Board Members and City Boards. He is meeting with Brian Anderson and Jennifer Peterson
  • Role of DHA – Gordon says DHA will continue as we did before and hopes that the city will ask what DHA thinks about a particular issue. We represent the homeowners but will protect the apartments as well which have done in the past.

Board Discussion

  • Joyce Amacher asked for an update on the billboard sign applications. They filed with DeKalb after we were a city. DHA is being watchful of the situation.
  • Dennis Crean met with Richard Meehan and gave him the charts Dennis had dealing with traffic signals, intersections and sidewalk plans and prioritized the needs of the projects.

The meeting was adjourned
