Pres. Bill Grossman welcomes Councilmen John Heneghan, Terry Nall and Doug Thompson. Announces Kerry DeVallette and Robert Wittenstein have joined the board.
- Presentation by Steve Savage, chief development officer for Wellstreet Urgent Care, which is preparing to take over the old Blockbuster location near the intersection of Mt. Vernon and Chamblee Dunwoody. Wellstreet plans to invest $1.3 million into project (including a new exterior). Wellstreet typically has 9a-9p hours of operation, Monday-thru-Sunday, and is always staffed with a physician. Wellstreet would expect to treat 70-80 patients per day. Wellstreet has filed a variance for signage (from 18 inches to 42 inches) for the front of the building. They also would like signage on the side of the building. They said best case scenario they would have an internally lit sign or backlit lighting, but it wasn’t clear if that was part of the variance request. Wellstreet has yet to hear back from city staff.
- Bill Robinson announced that he and Bill McCahan are organizing a Memorial Day service at Brook Run, in conjunction with the city. Bill would like to put up pole banners ($99 each + $50 each for labor). Bill asked the DHA be a sponsor and commit to $1,000. Bill will also solicit the city and the Chamber of Commerce. In total, he estimates he will need approximately 20 signs.
- Marlow’s Tavern was scheduled to make a presentation, however was not able to attend (Marlow’s is interested in a restaurant in the Calico Corners building). Marlow’s representatives have been asked to appear at the March meeting. Bill Grossman said Marlow’s would like to have two roof signs, which is against code in the overlay district. Marlow’s is familiar with what Village Burger planned, when it was considering the same site.
- PVC Farm. Bill spoke of city council reportedly discussing the possible sale of the PVC Farm for residential development (reportedly at a density that the DHA finds acceptable). Unless a variance is needed, no public hearings would be necessary.
Board Only Session
The Board unanimously voted to approve the minutes for the December and January meetings.
The Board unanimously voted to approve Bill Robinson’s request for $1,000 for the Memorial Day service.
The Board voted to approve a motion to support the current codes and ordinances within the overlay district, as well as support Dunwoody sign codes and ordinances in regard to Wellstreet’s request for a variance. The vote was unanimous (two abstentions).
The meeting adjourned at 8:41pm.