Rick Jones, Vice President, called the meeting to order at 7:30.
F & M Investments—Property at triangle. Two illustrations were shown—4 story condos with underground parking and 2-story office building. Discussion followed on parking, pool, exterior lighting, wall, neighbors etc. Consensus of Board was to ask them to work on 2 story residential and consult neighboring homeowners. Motion was made to recommend that property remain residential and not more than 2 stories. It was seconded and motion carried.
Water Plant—no report
Dunking Donuts—Still on schedule to open late August--TOG0’s and Dunkin Donuts. Footprint remains the same. Parking lot will be redone so a drive through can be put in.
Parking Deck at Perimeter Center—Rick indicated that the deck would be back from street and not visible.
Marta Station—7 acres multiuse development. Rick said that they do not have a specific plan at this time.
Four Point Sheraton—No objections to apartments on that property.
Peachtree Dunwoody Rd.--Roberts Properties—Deferred
SIGNAGE: Ken Wright
Ken is still picking up signs on Saturday mornings. He reported that Formal America and Peachtree Bank have tasteful signs.
Deputy Program—Chuck reported that illegal signs in right of way could be taken up by deputies. He would like to have members interested in signage become deputies. Training program (40 hours) was discussed. Margot Cole said that she was interested in this. Shelly Sheppard (404-371-2118) is the program coordinator.
Real Estate Signs—Ken has called and gotten the officer’s name that is handling this.
Ace Hardware—Nothing has happened on this.
Dunwoody Hall—Plastic signs were put up for Hair and Nails. Ken wrote letter to Jackie Horn at Regency asking for a meeting about signage in Dunwoody Hall. Discussion followed about seeing a copy of lease addendum, internal signs, etc. Signage is being put up and storeowners are being told it has been approved by DHA. It was suggested that we approach Regency with the authority of the Board and ask them to put a hold on Dunwoody Hall until this can be resolved. Action: Ken said that he would send another letter asking that they cease on signage and ask for a meeting.
Overlay District is comprehensive, but we need to define what our policy is on signage so that there are no loopholes. Motion was made to spend $530 for Urban Collage to rework signage guidelines. It was seconded and motion carried.
Chuck has been appointed to Green Space Initiative. Next meeting is August 1. DeKalb allocation-3.3 million. Citizen Advisory Committee is charged with recommending where money should be allocated. The County’s position on this is that they want 3 to 1 private/public match.
Charlene reported that our database contains 115 subdivisions and we have information on 49. Since first of June, 40 e-mails have been sent requesting information—15 replies.
OVERLAY—Bill Phillips
Finally moving on Overlay. Bill Kennedy will have first draft finished by Friday. Action: Bill will bring to Board.
Demonstration Project—Bill would like to have a demonstration project done for Dunwoody Village. This would be a conceptual design for an area. He has list of funding for this, but must have conceptual design to get funding for implementation. Motion was made to spend $1,920.00 for conceptual design for demonstration project. It was seconded and motion carried.
DHA Award to Merchants—Bill would like to set up DHA recognition for merchants that set the ideal for Dunwoody. There was discussion on type of award and quarterly or yearly award. Action: Bill will have more information at next meeting.
No Report.
Paul reported that the Dunwoody Village Parkway would be cleaned up for Parade. Triangle at Peeler/Shallowford/Chamblee Dunwoody added to cutting schedule. County will not pave over them.
BROOK RUN: Nick Nicodemus
DOT revision—Nick doesn’t think anything will happen on this.
PARADE: Bill Robinson
67 entries and probably will receive more. Closing ceremony will probably be best we have had. New banner for Board to carry during parade has been purchased and all Board members are expected to march in parade. Suggestion was made to send e-mail to Board members about time to meet.
COMMUNICATIONS: Bill Robinson reported that Paul would write the next CRIER article and Ken’s article would run in August.
House on Roberts Drive—no longer used as a business. Code enforcement investigated and case is now closed. It took three months for this process. It would be helpful to have Citizen Deputies to help with Code Enforcement.
Church of Scientology—Bill has asked Code Enforcement and Legal Dept. to look into this and has not received an answer.
Light Up Dunwoody—Board expressed support for Marion Jones for Light Up Dunwoody and is looking forward to 2001 Light Up Dunwoody.
Harris Teeter is closing. Kroger is responsible for lease. Distribution center is rumored for site. How do we want this redeveloped? Action: Ask Don to meet with manager at Orchard Park Kroger to see how Harris Teeter Store will be redeveloped.
Meeting was adjourned.