Gordon Jackson opens meeting and moves for approval of June minutes, Grossman seconds and all vote for approval.
Gordon welcomes Scouts from Troop 64 who are working on Communications merit badge.
Jeffery Priluck DDS tells the Board about the initial showing of the “Movies on the Green” a free outdoor Big screen showing at the Spruill Farmhouse scheduled for Friday Sept. 28
Mark Forsling presented for Novare: application for SLUP to allow Condos and a height variance. Parcel is 13 acre tract at Hammond Drive and Perimeter Center Parkway. They proposed a 150 room hotel with 400 condo’s above in 1st phase and 500 condos in a second 30 story tower and 40K sq ft ground level retail in the second phase. Design includes amenity deck on top of a parking garage and a separate parking deck for a future office building. DHA Board supported the concept.
Panera Bread Sign Request was denied and they have since agreed to not change their godfathered roof sign. Their monument sign request was changed to fit Overlay specifications as well.
RBC bank resubmitted their request for a freestanding ATM at their location next to Dunwoody Town Hall. Gordon has asked them to consider a Williamsburg style enclosure or integrate the proposed atm into their existing building. We are awaiting their response.
The Board heard from neighbors of the First Baptist Church about plans to cut 5 acres of trees for 640 additional surface parking spaces. Bob L. was to talk with Church Officials.
The Board heard from neighbors about an attempt to rezone an existing single-family detached house on North Peachtree to O&I. Several board members later attended a meeting with the applicants to tell them no.
The Board heard of progress on the rezoning application to replace an existing Bed and Breakfast on 3 acres near the North Springs Marta Station. Proposed heights have been cut in half but the affected neighborhoods and DHA continue to oppose apts. and retail proposed for the site.
Preparation for the Parade was in good shape according to discussion.
Commissioner Gannon requested DHA participation in a public meeting on the City of Dunwoody issue. Board members agreed to pass on the invite as our bylaws do not allow certain actions.
Gordon agreed to write an article for the Crier
The Board accepted Nick’s resignation as he is moving to the North Georgia countryside.
Susan Garret, the attorney retained for the Glaze Drive lawsuit against DeKalb County gave an update on progress. The Board of Appeals agreed with the DHA position. July 31 2 of the homeowners and Grossman attended a preliminary hearing on the issue and we are awaiting the judge’s ruling.
Gordon adjourned the meeting