WELCOME board members and visitors
Board members in attendance were: Larry Adams, Dennis Crean, Barbara Dodds, Bob Fiscella, Bill Grossman, Susan Harper, Renate Herod, Bill Robinson, Doug Thompson, Al Tiede, Joe Tuttle, Jean Williams, Lisa Woody and ex officio Fran Millar and Joe Devita.
Political Speakers – Eric Christ and Tammy Anderson
Other Speakers - Marvin Toliver (from Marta Community Relations) spoke of service
cuts (30%).
Minutes from June 6, 2010 meeting approved unanimously.
VILLAGE BURGER – Matthew Gephardt and Ricardo Gonzalo –
Will offer a better burger, hot dogs, frozen custard. Previously planned on Calico Corner location, now have signed lease on Bruster building. Are trying to meet the sign requirements, but have adequate visibility. Want to change existing Roof sign to Village Burger, possibly add logo. Will make improvements inside and out.
Brusters sign is grandfathered, and new Roof signs are prohibited.
Bill Robinson says that he thinks you can change the words as long as you don’t change the shape or size. Rebecca Kiefer from the city said a similar thing, but need to meet a time challenge, based on length of vacancy. Are there plans for seating? Current plan is to put awnings on the sides with fans for outdoor dining. They are aware of height requirements regarding the awnings. Timeline – planning for late August. No objections from DHA at this point.
PARADE UPDATE – report from Bill Robinson. 150 entries, more floats than in the past. Politicians were well-behaved except one, especially Dunwoody resident candidates. We need more Marshals next year. Will need to hire a trash company next year. Closing ceremonies went very well, more stayed than in previously. Vendors had a banner year. Fran says we should not allow more than one car if they are a free entry.
ADOPT A SPOT – no new adopters this month. Info should be added to City Website.
(City will add list of existing sponsors and spots up for adoption on City website)
WENDY’S AT PERIMETER POINT approved by Sandy Springs Planning, going to Sandy Springs City Council now. In 1994 there was a condition of zoning that there would only be one fast food restaurant in that shopping center. The Sandy Springs Planning Staff is saying that all the restaurants in the center with counter service are fast food. Grossman speaking for DHA said the original intent was to limit fast food locations with drive through to 1. (Although no homeowners groups supported the application the Sandy Springs City Council approved it on July 13 with several conditions tied to traffic and landscape improvements on the Shopping Center Site)
LIQUOR STORE DISTANCE REQUIREMENTS Proposed to take away the 200 yd. requirement (to single family housing). Issue is the NY Butcher Shop who wants to be able to sell wine. Problem was the proposed ordinance change would have eliminated the distance requirement for distilled spirits sales (liquor stores) as well as wine and beer sales. Right now the requirement stands. No present DHA member disagreed with the requirement standing. Expect this to come back up …but limited to removing the distance requirement only for Beer and Wine sales. DHA’s position is changing a city wide ordinance to benefit one business usually has unintended consequences and a method to allow that single business a variance or SLUP would be safer if practical.
COMMUNITY GARDEN Rebecca Barria, chair of community garden in Brook Run would like to see the master plan reworked to better fit their existing garden. Donate 20% of produce to charity, in one year over $2000 worth of fresh produce the Atlanta Food Bank. Invited everyone to come see. Want to be part of planning process for Brook Run. Bob Lundsten says the current garden sold out quickly and has a waiting list. Has worked with other community gardens to help them get started in other areas in Dunwoody. Dennis Crean wants this group to organize gardens in all parks in Dunwoody as parks system grows. Rebecca says she does not know what will happen, but sees their role as expansion in Brook Run like perhaps reviving the horticultural aspects of the park. Or maybe leasing private land for gardens. Rebecca says she feels they are building a nice relationship with the new parks director. Bill Grossman likes that it costs the taxpayers nothing – will you go ahead this year or wait for the master plan? Bob Lundsten says they want to make sure the garden is established, and have approached city about using the existing greenhouse and want to be in the future master land use plan. Robert Wittenstein says he hopes that updating the master plan would be concluded in the Spring to allow for planting.
LIGHT UP DUNWOODY 2010 - started 10 -15 years ago by Bill and Peggy Grant as a lighting of the trees in the triangle at Ashford Dunwoody and Mt. Vernon. For the last 3 – 4 years Sharon Collins chaired, but she has resigned that chairmanship. Harry Butcher handled logistics for the event but has resigned also. Considering scaling the event back. DPT is open to having Santa at the farmhouse and having the tree there. Or we could have the tree in the old triangle. Last year we lost $10,000 because of the rain. Asked a month ago for volunteers, no response. How about using the Donaldson-Bannister house? No parking. Al Tiede noted that it is A LOT of work… sponsors, etc. and then we are subject to the weather. Bob Lundsten asked to get in writing that DPT will allow the tree and will DPT contribute financially? Last year we gave DPT all the decorations and they are responsible for getting them up and down. Renate Herod and Bob Lundsten will help.
BUDGET DISCUSSION - historically the president could make a lot of decisions on their own. We do not have any “rules” about how we spend the money or the discretion of the President in spending money. Should there be specific spending limits? Gordon Jackson felt it may limit the President and it hasn’t been a problem in the last 40 years. Barbara Dodds, treasurer, says that in the bylaws that the Board should approve any spending. She does not think it is her responsibility to pay for things that have not been approved by the Board. This became an issue because DHA has opened an office, which required rent, utilities, furniture, and the like, and the Board did not specifically approve each purchase. Bill Robinson made the argument that the Board approval of the concept had as an inherent part approval of the incidental and associated expenses and that in 40 years no President has ever abused DHA fiscal matters…so why change? Joe DaVita made a motion that we should have a formal operation budget. Modified motion to allow Executive Committee work on budget concerns to present to next meeting. Lisa Woody doesn’t think we should pay things just because we paid for them in the past. Dennis Crean said that the board should know how much money there is and how it is spent and there should be a budget which is voted on by the entire board. Bill Grossman (this being his first meeting as President) supports transparency. Fran Millar says that the board represents all of Dunwoody and the DHA represents the homeowners and need to remain loyal to our residents.
VILLAGE BURGER – if they do not take the current sign down, then they can alter what is there, as long as they don’t change the shape or size.
NOTICE OF RENEWAL FROM THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE $500, Motion made by Barbara Dodds to renew. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY, Joe DaVita abstained.