President Bill Grossman called the meeting to order.

  1. Minutes from June meeting approved.
  2. Candidate Michael Rothenberg in attendance. He is running for DeKalb Superior Court.
  3. Sherman Dudley was introduced a new board member.
  4. Denny Shortal made a presentation looking for support to build a restroom at Dunwoody High School. The total cost for the project is $52,000, there is $20,000 in the DCSS budget for it. A group is looking to raise $32,000 in cash and in-kind donations.
  5. Bill Grossman gave parade update – the volunteer meeting was held earlier in the day. There are 118 entries.
  6. Bryan Musolf gave a presentation on Project Renaissance. The 16 acre site will have 3 acres total greenspace and a greenway to the 19 acres site. John Wieland expects to start building homes by end of 2012.
  7. The Dunwoody Chamber of Commerce will be hosting a forum on Tsplost at the DHS auditorium. Refreshments will be served by Dunwoody restaurants from 6-7pm with a formal presentation from 7-8pm. The forum will be locally focused – presenters are Bob Dallas, Don Boykin and a transportation engineer.
  8. The DHA will host a forum on July 26 on the TSplost. Bob Dallas will represent the pro side, a Tea Party representative the con side.

A motion was made by Dennis Crean, seconded by Robert Wittenstein to generally support the DHS project. The DHA would like an update after the July 23 meeting for further financial consideration at August 5. Vote was unanimous.

Greg Crnovich made a motion, Dennis second to support the forum hosted by the chamber with a $250 donation. Vote was unanimous.

The nominating committee recommended Heyward Wescott to replace Barbara Dodd on the executive committee. Joe Tuttle will be Treasurer.

Greg Crnovich, Susan seconded made a motion to ask executive board to make a formal presentation on what is possible for financial reporting and will include current financial status. Vote was unanimous.

Meeting was adjourned.
