President Stacey Harris called the meeting to order and welcomed City Councilmen Terry Nall and Doug Thompson; City manager Warren Hutmacher and Bob Mullins, Marketing & PR Director for Dunwoody.
June minutes were approved with a minor change submitted by Robert Wittenstein.
Area manager for Georgia Power, Jeff Petrea, gave a short presentation about Ga Powers response to the June storm that broke 35 of their poles in Dunwoody. 700 extra workers and linemen were brought in to correct the damage in the metro area.
City of Dunwoody Parks Manager, Brent Walker, gave a presentation of the Brook Run Trail. Phase one is complete. Phase two should be finished by the summer of 2014. 230 trees were removed for phase one and 300 trees will be planted this September alongside phase one. Trees Atlanta is the awarded contractor for the 300 trees and they will maintain the plantings for two years.
Rick Callihan presented for Peachtree Charter Middle School’s fundraiser Oct. 5 race. Restoration of the grass field inside the running track is the goal. In the board only session $500 was donated toward that goal.
The board approved a local candidate debate at the high school auditorium the evening of Thursday, October 17.
In the board only session a motion passed to allow beer and wine sales at DHA’s food truck Thursdays. Only Dunwoody vendors with current pouring licenses will be allowed at a weekly charge same as that paid by the trucks ($75).
Meeting was adjourned
June correction: In the board only session at the end of the June meeting we discussed recusal of DHA board members who participate on City appointed boards, councils and commissions and when recusal might be appropriate.
This was Changed to: In the board only session at the end of the meeting we discussed DHA board members who participate on City appointed boards, councils and commissions abstaining from DHA votes on issues that may come before their city committees.