Don Boyken, President, called the meeting to order at 7:30. Guests from Twin Lakes and Four Oaks neighborhoods were introduced and Chuck Trense introduced Margot Cole, new Board member.
Dunwoody High School Stadium proposal has been withdrawn and is no longer an issue..
Publix Lighting—Angle of lights was changed and neighbors are happy.
Dunwoody Village Parkway—Question was raised concerning who maintains Parkway. DHA pays to have grass cut. Discussion followed concerning other medians in Dunwoody. Action: Don asked Paul Ruhmkorff to get with Joyce Amacher on this issue.
Water Plant—Representatives from Twin Lakes and Four Oaks were present to voice concerns regarding the expansion of the water plant. They are concerned about a wall, landscaping and making it esthetically pleasing to community. Wishes of the community will be put in writing to the County. They would like for us to be an advocate for them with DeKalb County. The effected neighbors will meet on Saturday and Don and Bill indicated that they might be able to attend.
House on Roberts Drive—Bill Grossman is trying to get in touch with Code Enforcement. Action: Bill will talk to Ernie Blow.
Dunking Donuts—Still on schedule to open late August. Agreement was signed with Dunkin Donuts on the development of site.
Mt. Vernon houses—Redevelopment of houses on Mt. Vernon are on hold because of moratorium. Moratorium was extended until first of next year.
Proposed Parking Deck construction at Perimeter Center—Parking deck with 892 spaces. Action: Bill will contact lawyer who is handling this.
Marta Station—7 acres multiuse development. Action: Rick Jones was asked to check with his contacts for information.
Church of Scientology—According to county code a church should have 3 acres. Is this a church or training center? Action: Bill was asked to check on this.
Peachtree Dunwoody Rd.--Roberts Properties—60-day extension. Hearing will probably be in October. Discussion followed on high density around Marta Stations.
Signs without valid permits attached are being picked up on Saturday mornings. Realtor directional signs are illegal. Trying to get permanent sign removed at Manhasset and Mt. Vernon. Chuck indicated that there are signs that Publix should remove. Undesirable signs at Brake Shop and Dial Mart were mentioned.
Ace Hardware—Ken is still working on this. They have not ordered replacement sign.
Boyer nominated Jim Tysinger for bond representative. Boyer nominated Chuck Trense for Governor’s Greenspace committee.
Meeting Wednesday, June 6, at 7:30 at J. Christopher’s with Noah Byrd, David Fowler, and Joe Kane.
Bill Phillips has been rewriting parts on signage. Motion was made for DHA to fund this if we are unsuccessful in getting money from the county. It was seconded and motion carried.
Margo Dix and Don will meet this week on strategy for working with merchants.
We should know where it stands in the next 30 days. Discussion followed on road widening near Brook Run. Dick Williams stated that the New Jewish High School is looking at Brook Run.
Closing ceremony is planned—food, moonwalk, etc. Pole banners will be used instead of banners across street. CRIER is co-sponsor.
COMMUNICATIONS: Bill Robinson reported that the next CRIER article would be on Traffic Calming.
Bill Grossman said that we need to finalize parcels that we wish to reserve and that the blue house on Mt. Vernon is a priority. Motion was made to reserve the blue house (3 acres) on Mt. Vernon as green space. It was seconded and motion carried. Bill will coordinate with Chuck and Jim Tysinger.
Fran Millar announced that he would request $200,000 funding for playground at Brook Run.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m..