Gordon Jackson, President, called the meeting to order and welcomed Board members and visitors. Tangela Barrie, candidate for DeKalb County Superior Court Judge, introduced herself and gave her qualifications for the position. Terri Fisher, candidate for District 1 Commissioner, stood up when Gordon introduced her but did not say anything.
The motion was made and seconded to accept the minutes for May 4, 2008 and the motion carried.
Zoning and Development
Georgetown Update – Gordon Jackson Gordon had visitors who were at meeting for this issue to stand and there were about 10 people in attendance. Gordon and Bob Lundsten met with Coro Development and went over their plans to knock down a 2 story medical office for a 200 unit apartment complex off Old Spring House Lane. Georgetown Village committee also met with Coro and explained an apartment complex would not be well received. Coro was asked to expand site plan to include all offices and Georgetown Shopping Center. Kroger has first right of refusal and we would need to talk to Kroger. Coro did propose streetscape improvements. It is not near approval with DHA. Although Coro said they were in no hurry with this project a sign was posted for rezoning/SLUP, which concerned the neighbors. It was assumed this was done to get the application in before the City of Dunwoody. Bob will suggest to Elaine Boyer to deny the application until they present a master plan with some teeth in it. The neighborhood is holding a community meeting to discuss what they want overall (larger picture). Renate is doing some research. DHA works on contracts with developers and hopes to do that with Coro. Both the Georgetown Village and the Emory/Shallowford Villages need to work on a Master Plan concept.
Bob Lundsten gave an update on Glaze Drive hearing the past week. There was a meeting with an arbitrator, the Glaze Drive representation and Lonnie Moss. Lonnie Moss would not do anything for the community and no longer owns the property. This will have to go before Judge Castelanni.
Community Affairs
Fourth of July Parade – Dick Williams The web site was redone and you can now enter the parade by going to The Crier or DHA web site. There are five marching bands entered as well as other entrants. Politicians are allowed four walkers. We need volunteers. There were complaints about trash left on the parade route last year and Just Trash It is putting out cardboard receptacles and will also clean up.
Light Up Dunwoody – Gordon Jackson DHA is making progress with Shops of Dunwoody on the expansion effort
Code Infractions – Gerri Penn There was a glitch with the April List and Code Enforcement did nothing with it. It was faxed again and they are working on the list now. Gerri is sending in a new list in a couple of weeks. Gerri gave an update on the court date for 1822 Mt. Vernon Rd. The attorney did not show up at the hearing but told Officer Zellars she would advise her clients to comply.
Parks – Al had nothing to report
Sidewalks – Dennis Crean The Roberts Dr and Nandina projects were completed. Dennis said there are 27 ADA ramps needed on N. Peachtree Rd between Brook Run and Chestnut Elementary School and 20 needed in Kingsley. He would like all 47 done but is making the plea for the 27. There are no more resurfacing projects scheduled for our area this year. Bill Grossman thanked Dennis for his work on the Ashford Dunwoody Rd at Mt. Vernon project. There will be no synchronization of the lights. Dennis is working on the problem of no left turn lane at the intersections of Mt. Vernon and Manhasset, which backs up traffic on Mt. Vernon.
Messages and Updates from President
City Information Forum - There were about 450 people in attendance, standing room only. It went reasonably well and Judge C J Becker did an outstanding job and will be back for the June 19th forum. It will be from 7-9 PM at the same location but there will be a format change. At the front end of the meeting, they will answer leftover questions from the first meeting. As people enter the next meeting they will receive a numbered card and the questions will be answered in that order. If you are a late comer your question may not be answered.
Villages - Georgetown Village is the first village to have to deal with an issue.
Board Discussion and Votes
- Doug MacGinnitie said that Sandy springs has allocated $500,000 to study improvements for the intersection of Roberts and Spalding Dr.
- Gordon gave an update on the Ashford Center Parkway center islands. Handy Andy is sponsoring those islands and will maintain them. We are terminating the contract with Ogletree. Gordon proposed the DHA should pay for materials such as pinestraw.
- Bill Grossman made a motion to set aside $2,500.00 to underwrite the cost of materials for all island sponsors with prior approval for each project. Discussion ensued and Lynn Deutsch made a substitute motion. Lynn moved to defer the vote until the July meeting with a plan on how to spend the money. The motion passed 7-2 and the first motion failed. Dennis suggested that DHA should get some credit if we are subsidizing supplies. Joyce suggested that Handy Andy take care of the plaques.
- Robin went to the groundbreaking for the new Dunwoody School. No one had the seen the plans for the school prior to the groundbreaking and the she passed around a pamphlet with pictures. It is not pretty with too few windows that would not let in enough light and a red metal roof. There will be 1,000 students with a 10x12 clinic which she does not feel is large enough. Lynn suggested we should form a committee quickly and contact Pat Pope and Jim Redovian to work for improvements. The School Board did nothing they said they were going to do and make it look more like Peachtree Middle School and let DHA be involved.
Meeting was adjourned.