The DHA Board members in attendance were: Larry Adams, Joyce Amacher, Stephen Barton, Kent Brooks, Robin Burch, Dennis Crean, Greg Crnkovich, Barbara Dodds, Bob Fiscella, Bill Grossman, Renate Herod, Gordon Jackson, Alan Mothner, Gerri Penn, Bill Robinson, Doug Thompson, Joe Tuttle, and Jean Williams. Ex Officio Board members in attendance are Fran Millar and Tom Taylor.
Gordon Jackson, President, called the meeting to order and welcomed all Board members and visitors.
Announcements –
- Soap Box Derby, Liam Harris drove the DHA car and took 3rd place. Liam thanked us for the great car and we thanked him with a standing ovation.
- Rotary Club of Dunwoody – Dennis Crean said they will defer to the July 11th DHA Board meeting.
Approval of Minutes – A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes for May 2, 2010 minutes. The motion passed unanimously.
Zoning and Development
Wendy’s Perimeter Pointe – Woody Galloway is representing Wendy’s. He went over some changes in their plans and issues they addressed. Wendy’s will be above retention pond B. They are maximizing cars without interfering with the other businesses and it allows for better stacking. They are adding sidewalks at various locations and realigning the entrance way which lengthens stacking. They are working with the Village Committee on architecture. They are also working with DDR, the owners of the shopping center, to improve the jog in the lot by Chik-Fil-A. Within the parking lot there will be a one way in entrance to Chick- Fil-A and a two way exit. Chik-Fil-A has agreed to the plan but Wendy’s is waiting to hear back from the other tenants for their approval. They are also addressing two remaining issues of increasing both open space and green space. They have increased the green space from 14.02%-14.69%. They have increased the open space from 17.17%-18.02%. They will go before the Sandy Springs Planning Commission on June 20th, 2010 and City Council on July 13, 2010. Bill Grossman gave the history of our opposition in the past and what has transpired since then. Bill Grossman feels this is a good use due to various restrictions within the shopping center conditions. His village has a meting scheduled for June 10 to look at the architecture.
Community Affairs
- July 4th Parade – Bill Robinson said the parade is in good shape with all venues staffed. They have quite a few groups that are marching. The Harley Club will precede the parade and there will be between 50-100 riders. Sponsorships are going pretty well considering the economy. We are down from last year. The Marine Band will be marching. We pay for their food and lodging and we are trying to get a sponsor for their lodging. Fran Millar will sponsor the band for $2,000.00 and will talk to the hotel to forgive the $54.00. Bill Robinson and Pam met with Officer Fladrich about security and crowd control along the route. The police will lead the parade and the color guard will follow. Gordon asked for a motion to allow for a $6,000.00 upside down (out of pocket) The motion was ,made, seconded and passed unanimously.
DHA CLUP Discussion – Gordon asked for each Village Chair to give a report.
- Bill Robinson, Chair of Dunwoody Central Village said they wanted a change made to read: “the boundary properties of the Dunwoody Character Area will not exceed two stories where within 100 feet of the property line of home sites zoned residential contiguous to the Overlay District” because the original language is too ambiguous and will now conforms to the recently approved Overlay District Ordinance. They also wanted the phrase “promote privately operated recreation center” deleted as that implies that the City will rely solely on the private sector and that the option for the City to develop/operate such facilities should not be excluded.
- Renate Herod, gave the report for the North Peachtree/ Tilly Mill and Georgetown/N. Shallowford Villages. For Georgetown/N. Shallowford, we want to see removed “up to 8 stories” as that is too high and to remove “for additional density”. We do not want additional development to have as high of a density as what was created with the O&I loophole. Height Restrictions should be defined instead of step down terminology. We would like to see included a definition for “high density” and “medium density” For the Tilly Mill/N. Peachtree Gateway, we want included that no development should be in the 75’ stream buffer as there is already flooding in Dunwoody North.
- Doug Thompson reported for Stacy Harris that there were no changes for the Williamsburg/Jett Ferry Gateway.
- Doug Thompson, Chair of the Perimeter Village said they want to delete Councilman Heneghan’s proposed revisions relating to LEED certification and instead substitute “ that incorporates energy efficient standards”.
- Larry Adams, Chair of the Winters Chapel Gateway said they would like a language change from 2-3 stories and instead have “up to 3 stories with a transition to 2 stories when adjacent to residential. “Transitional buffer zones” needs to be defined i.e. 15’, 20’, 30’ etc for each project. They would like to have inserted “City of Dunwoody should coordinate with Gwinnett County to develop like type zoning of surrounding areas on Winters Chapel Rd. and surrounding areas that fall within the Gwinnett County and Dunwoody common boundaries”.
Gordon asked all of the Chairs to please submit a report to Charlene. She will send it out to the Board for review before sending it to the City.
DHA Participation in Adopt-A-Spot Landscaping/Maintenance – Bill R. has not designated potential spots yet. He said that Greenmark backed out of adopting the triangle at Winters Chapel Rd. and Peeler Rd.
Code Enforcement – Gerri went for a ride with Tom LaPenna and made a list of violations with a large number being high grass. Gerri gave an update on the former Ty White property on Peeler/Winters Chapel Rds. The property went into foreclosure and the bank sold it to Fairway LLC from New York with an office in Dunwoody. Tom LaPenna was supposed to meet with a representative from Fairway last week. He was telling them they need to maintain the properties and will need a permit for demolition and asbestos inspections. Larry Adams gave Tom a copy of the conditions for that property.
Messages and Updates from President – Gordon said that DHA is alive and well. We have seen that DHA is needed now as much as before but we are just working with a different government. The new office is up and running. Gordon passed out the new car magnets for DHA members and said that each member household will get two magnets. Because of the vote and discussion on the Soap Box Derby donation, no donation was made and Gordon therefore presented a budget for May 1, 2010-December 31, 2010. This is not for public knowledge. Gordon said we received free ads DHS programs because of our donation to the Gridiron Club. Our insurance costs dropped by $2,200.00. There was no vote on the budget. We are trying to track the use of the DHA office so please fill out the sign in/out sheets. Gordon announced that he was stepping down as President due to his business demands. Bill Robinson, Chair of the Nominating Committee announced that Bill Grossman has agreed to accept the Presidency until the next annual meeting. Doug Thompson also resigned since he has been elected to City Council and Bob Fiscella will complete Doug’s term on the Board. The Executive Board will vote on these nominations.
Bill Robinson mentioned that Village Burger has changed their planned location from the northeast corner of Calico Corners to the old Bruster’s Ice Cream Parlor. (They plan no major exterior renovation, but will add to doors so customers can order at an indoor counter and will add a canopy on one side for shade. One window will remain available for customers to order ice cream. The menu will remain essentially the same as presented to the Board several months ago. Plans are to open this fall.) Bill Robinson asked me to add what is in parenthesis to the minutes although it was not mentioned at the meeting.
Board Discussions and Votes
Wendy’s at Perimeter Pointe – We previously opposed this application. Bill Grossman feels our best posture is to get what we can and not object to this project. This will go back to committee and they will report at the July Board Meeting. There was no vote. Robin said that Tilted Kilt is going in where the former Max and Erma’s was located. It requires no type of variance or rezoning.
Barbara asked for a motion to be made for Charlene to be able to sign checks. The motion was made, seconded and approved unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Gerri Penn, Recording Secretary
The Executive Board meeting was held immediately after the Board Meeting. Those present were Gordon Jackson, Bill Grossman, Bob Fiscella, Barbara Dodds, Renate Herod, Gerri Penn, and Bill Robinson. Randy Collins was not in attendance. Bill Grossman was unanimously elected as interim president and Bob Fiscella was elected unanimously to serve the rest of Doug Thompson’s term. The meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Gerri Penn, Recording Secretary