Bill G. called meeting to order at 7:31pm. Currently 11 members present.
Bob Dallas introduced himself as candidate for mayor of Dunwoody. Jamie Sibold announced he is putting together a committee to explore whether or not to run for mayor.
Motion to approve minutes from April made and passed.
Susan Harper presented a potential re-zone from R-100 to O-I. The house is located on Chamblee Dunwoody surrounded by 2 other homes. Community meeting held at Starbucks. Approx. 20 neighbors attended, all opposed.
Bill Robinson gave an update on the 4th of July parade. Order of dunk is as follows:
Thompson, Lundsten, Heneghan, Dallas is running order so far 10-15 minutes per slot.
Bill G. talked to DHS about securing auditorium for a candidate forum in October.
If anyone has ideas about future on-line membership surveys, please contact Bill G.
Light Up Dunwoody – need a new Santa. Renate Herod will be resigning from the board due to family circumstances. We need a new person to head up Light Up Dunwoody.
Code enforcement – city is working on 11 apartment complexes, working with Glaze Hardware property on Peeler Road. Did a sweep of overgrown grass, gave warning to many people. Code enforcement is complaint based.
Bob Lundsten talked about Wal-Mart going in on Winter Chapel. It’s a neighborhood type of store, 40,000 square feet.
Parks plan, Splost IV and bond issues were discussed.
Meeting adjourned at 8:35pm