City Councilmen John Heneghan and Terry Nall were in attendance and recognized by President Stacey Harris.
Minutes for April and May meetings were approved.
Steve Dush, Community Development Director for the City of Dunwoody, gave a presentation on the Zoning Code Rewrite. (Four members of the DHA board sat on the Sounding Board for the rewrite) Dush told how all documents developed during the rewrite are available online. He covered the public hearings scheduled this summer where the rewrite is on the agenda. First up are Community Council in June; Planning Commission in July and city Council in August.
DHA president Stacey Harris gave an update to preparations for the 4th of July Parade. New this year is the Wells Fargo Stagecoach and team.
President Harris also told the board that the executive committee had approved a $300 sponsorship of the main fundraiser for the Dunwoody Women’s Club. (The annual Tour of Homes)
Board member Robin Burch talked about the Pictorial exhibit she put together for permanent installation at Dunwoody Elementary School. Dunwoody School kids from the Civil War to this century.
Stacey Harris gave an update to the board concerning the Sterling Point redevelopment application to the City. This application goes to the Planning commission on June 11. A compromise has been worked out on the requested curb cut. The applicants request for 15 additional variances goes to the ZBA later this month.
Bill Grossman told the board about the first two Dunwoody Food Truck Thursdays sponsored by DHA at Brook Run. Several hundred in attendance each week and positive responses from all involved.
In the board only session at the end of the meeting we discussed DHA board members who participate on City appointed boards, councils and commissions abstaining from DHA votes on issues that may come before their city committees.
Meeting adjourned, no votes.