1. Announcement and introduction of distinguished visitors- Robert welcomed Councilman Terry Nall. Robert invited Karen Handel and Jon Ossoff to meeting.  There won’t be a Candidate Forum.
  2. Approval of Minutes for May 7th, 2017 meeting- No one took minutes.
  3. Presentation and discussion: Proposed redevelopment plan for 84 Perimeter Center East and Ashford Dunwoody Road by Branch Properties- Laurel David, The Galloway Law Group, Jack Haylett and Chris Didier - Branch Properties- Original plan was for a 230-room hotel and Fitness Center with zero setbacks and a restaurant were approved by DeKalb County with conditions. Branch now wants a twelve story 200 room hotel with retail and restaurant at two stories. Parking will be under the hotel. They propose outdoor dining that won't interfere with sidewalks. Won’t be able to see parking deck from any of the street frontages. They had preapplication meetings with staff. Asking support for rezoning.
  4. Presentation and Discussion: Dunwoody Parks Plan - Brent Walker
    First Draft of Brook Run Park Master Plan going to Council June 12th. Started with doing the demographics of Dunwoody. Had Public Meetings and then created survey. Provide a balance of active and passive activities. Put out a question of how they feel about a Park Bond referendum and it showed people are willing to discuss a parks bond.
  5. Board Only Session
      1. Dunwoody Woman's Club funds approved for $1,000.00 unanimously.
      2. Dunwoody Stage Door Players approved for $1,000.00 unanimously.
      3. All Fore One request for funds (not budgeted, but $500.00 in the budget for ad hoc requests). We may also have a request from DPD for new explorer uniforms. Motion to approve All fore One request for $500.00 and passed unanimously.
      4. Involvement in Solarize Dunwoody - We could choose to be a Coalition member or just be a partner. Motion to approve being a partner approved unanimously.

