Don Boyken called the meeting to order at 7:30.
Jenny Eid and her Girl Scout Troop were introduced. They were present to observe a formal meeting as part of the preparation on becoming Cadets.
Beverly Wingate of the Dunwoody Woman’s’ Club discussed their special improvement project, which is the revitalization of the North DeKalb Cultural Art Center. Many building improvements are needed. They would like this building to be a focus of community spirit. They have a web site that will be used to post community activities.
Harold Dennis presented his concerns as a candidate for Sheriff of DeKalb County.
Judy Vogel presented information concerning a stadium at Dunwoody High School. She met with county school officials and came away with their permission to go forward with plans for stadium. It is still in the exploratory stage. Best place for it would be on the hill closest to the school. It would be paid for privately at a cost of 1.5 to 2 million. Judy is to return to the DHA with the plans once they have been more fully developed.
DEKALB COUNTY--Houses near Prudential building on Mt. Vernon—3 of the 5 have been purchased and 2 have applied for O & I (zoning will come up in July). Bill Grossman asked-- do we consider O & I that fits Overlay District or keep it as R-100.
Discussion was surrounding the homes in two areas. Area One includes three homes next to the Prudential building on Mt Vernon. It was agreed to pursue a discussion with the developer who has proposed a O&I building which would fit the character and style of the Dunwoody overlay district. This office building would house his law firm. This group must also commit to becoming a signature for the overlay district and conform to all of the conditions of the district.
Area Two is the parcel surrounded by the Jolly development across from Regions Bank. The consensus was to oppose any Zoning other than Residential for that block of property. It is thought a better use is for that property to become a park which may be possible with the green space act being considered by the county. The membership was opposed to any use of this land in any way other than residential as it would only encourage other select property owners to hold out of major developments for more money.
Blue House on Mt. Vernon—no application and is still on market. Bill Grossman presented this to county as green space.
FULTON COUNTY: Peachtree Dunwoody Rd.--Roberts Properties (Four 18 story buildings within 30 feet of property owners) will have Planning Commission hearing March 21 at 7:00 p.m. at Fulton County Annex. Don Boyken asked that Board members come and wear red to show force with homeowners. On April 2, this will go to Board of Commissioners. Don feels that it will be denied on both hearings but Roberts Properties has indicated that they will file a lawsuit.
NOMINATION COMMITTEE REPORT: Bill Robinson nominated Ken Wright to replace Steve French on the Executive Committee. All approved this nomination.
CITIZEN ADVISORY COMMITTEES: Bill Grossman reported that there are 2 advisory committees. Green DeKalb Comm.--advising commissioners where to spend money received from the state and an Advisory Committee of about 10 members appointed by commissioners and CEO. 70% will be spent on acquisitions of land and 30% for improvement.
UPDATE ON VANDALISM: Chuck Trense reported that J. Tom Morgan is getting involved. We are pursuing criminal and civil suits.
PUBLIX UPDATE: Bob Lundsten reported that he had calls from homeowners about lights. Lights are over 40 feet in height. Poles will be replaced with 30-foot poles and the bright white lights will be changed to a yellow light. Publix will open the first week of April. A letter was sent to Tom Black asking for help in enforcing the agreements on that property. Signage for the center was discussed.
HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATIONS: Don asked for suggestions of how we might get more local Homeowner Associations involved in DHA. Suggestions included were using interest area on membership form, brainstorming meetings, and meeting with presidents on regular basis, and to communicate with e-mail. It was suggested that we have a secure web site so that members can join and use credit card. Action Item: Don will appoint a board member to head up this task.
OVERLAY: Bill Phillips reported that the zoning process is seriously bogged down. Committee is trying to find a way to get DeKalb to release money to move this forward. Ordinance has to be written and the commissioners have to approve. Action Item: Fran Millar agreed to help with this by searching out money the county may have for this work.
LOCAL MERCHANT SUPPORT: Don asked that all support our local merchants. He asked all to consider what they would like to see in Dunwoody. Action Item: Don will appoint a person to head up this task.
BROOK RUN: Nick Nicodemus reported that committee is being formed. Money needs to be transferred to DPT from DeKalb County.
PARADE: Bill Robinson reported that the first Parade meeting would be this month. All venues seem to be covered for the parade.
COMMUNICATIONS: Rick Jones will be writing next article for CRIER.
OTHER REPORTS: Bob Lundsten took down 175 illegal signs on Mt. Vernon over the weekend. He encouraged everyone to remove signs. He met with Congregation Ariel and County to help neighbors with problems concerning property. Action Item: It was suggested that we have a weekly work party on Saturday mornings where we travel down Mt Vernon and other main streets of Dunwoody to remove the signs. Ken is to look into organizing this.
Joyce Amacher, DPT President, reported that over 24,000 trees have been planted since tornado. This weekend 2000 trees were distributed.
Nick Nicodemus reported that the Board of Commissioners denied a request for a lady to teach piano lessons in her home. Following that, the Board of Commissioners approved an application for a Child Care Center.
Ken Wright said that he would talk to Ace Hardware on their sign design.
Joyce Amacher reported that a home on Roberts Drive was being used as a business. Action Item: Bill Grossman was asked to check into this Zoning and get county to visit the property.
Meeting was adjourned.