1. Approval of Minutes from January 29, 2006 annual meeting

Motion Bill Robinson, second Joyce Amacher. Vote: Unanimous.

2. Zoning & Development

a. 1100 Ashwood Parkway – Bob Lundsten reports Southeast Capital Partners approached a DHA committee seeking their acceptance of a possible change in project scope at the Ashwood Parkway site. In addition to the townhouses currently planned they are interested in constructing a 25 story condominium tower (overlooking the Dunwoody Station neighborhood). The committee suggested that the DHA board likely would not support a project of this magnitude at this location. Southeast Capital accepted the response and will stay in dialogue to work together with the DHA as this or future projects evolve.

b. O&I Language Update – Bob Lundsten expects to have a draft of a revised ordinance by Thursday, March 9, 2006.

c. Mt. Vernon @ Ashford-Dunwoody Landscaping – Bill Grant asked the board to finalize a decision on what it would like as the focal feature at this intersection. Many suggestions were offered. By a show of hands, overwhelming consensus supported a fountain to be the focal point. Chip will get with Ken Wright, Bill Phillips, and others to determine the status of the intersection planning and will report back at our next meeting. Neither a source of funding nor the architectural details of a water feature have been determined.

d. Infrastructure – Sidewalk Update –Dennis Crean gave the following report:

i. Winters Chapel - almost complete (exceptions are Dunwoody Club and Peachtree Industrial intersections)

ii. Dunwoody Club - complete (exception being Winters Chapel intersection)

iii. Peachtree Industrial Access Rd (between Winters Chapel & Tilly Mill) – the County is looking for State funding

iv. Tilly Mill – almost complete

v. Jett Ferry – complete (exception of Mt Vernon Intersection)

vi. Welcome Dick Drake to the Infrastructure Sub-Committee

vii. Next month Dennis will report on two Mt. Vernon intersections which may need improvement in the form of left turn lanes

viii. Roberts/Spalding/Dunwoody Club is high on the priority list of City of Sandy Springs future infrastructure projects

ix. Sidewalk presentation w/proposals at next months meeting

e. Ashford-Dunwoody Wachovia Rezoning Request – there was a request to have this property rezoned to Commercial for the following possibilities: jewelry store, gas station/cafe, or a waffle house. The property is currently zoned O-I.

3. Community Pride

a. Brand Campaign – Celeste Webb presented the Brand Package to the board and detailed marketing efforts underway. She will contact the Crier in hopes they will cover installation of the 1st street topper. Installation of toppers should begin in two weeks.

b. Ashford Center Parkway Tree – a motorist hit a tree in the parkway, the DHA paid $50 to our landscaping firm to replant/stake and hopefully save it. If the tree dies, and if there is a police report on the incident, we may be able to contact the person at fault to obtain insurance funds for a replacement.

4. Code Infractions

a. Dunwoody Hall billboards

b. Cavalry Assembly of God – corrected infraction immediately

c. Car Wash Air-pops request – permission denied, fully cooperated

d. Children’s World – corrected infraction immediately

e. Camera Purchase – Bob Lundsten motioned for the board to invest around $250 for the purchase of a digital camera. The camera will be kept by Gerri Penn for use in reporting code infractions to the county and to document/record our actions/correspondence etc. Motion was seconded by Bill Robinson and approved unanimously.

f. To facilitate escalation of code infractions to the County, Gerri Penn requests she be provided a physical address in all e-mails or reports of infractions.

5. Community Affairs

a. 4th July Parade – Jan Akers – no report at this time, will have update next month

b. Light Up Dunwoody – Celeste Webb explained the changes planned for Light Up Dunwoody 2006:

i. Children’s Event (no parade) but an event focused on local children’s performances

ii. Combination of Farmhouse Lighting and Community Choir so that Community Choir will perform at the farmhouse instead of afterwards

iii. Objective to provide children-family meals at the Children’s Event
iv. Children’s Event start-time moves to later in the afternoon so that the transition time between event activities becomes seamless

6. PDK Update – No report at this time

7. Brook Run – Nick Nicodemus reported that a Phoenix, AZ nationally recognized firm is working on the skate park design. DeKalb Parks & Recreation will need to approve the design, issue an RFP, and put it out to bid. Nick suggests a 4th quarter 2006 construction start may be overly optimistic. DeKalb Parks & Recreation is currently working on an RFP for the demolition of buildings on the site in accord with the Master Plan. Cost for demolition and debris removal is expected to exceed $2M.

8. Messages & Updates from President, Chip Franzoni

a. Sutherland Asbill & Brennan, LLP has offered DHA pro bono legal services

b. The April Meeting is rescheduled to April 9th due to Spring Break.

c. Board Size – Need to reaffirm the By-Laws and then vote to increase the number of directors. This is in effort to better represent the community and support the many committee needs.

d. DHA board seeks a chair for the Overlay District

e. Volunteers have offered to help – Chip has their credentials and contact information.
