Gordon Jackson, President, called the meeting to order and welcomed Board Members and visitors.
Minutes from last meeting approved.
Due to Spring Break recess next meeting will be March 29
No zoning or development issues discussed.
PCMS Sign – Michael Culver and Bruce Strahan. Discussed installation of PCMS message board with LED technology. Sign would be self funded project. Several board members recommended to obtain a clear perspective of City of Dunwoody Sign ordinance.
DHA Participation in Soap Box Derby. Information presented by Al Tiede on Soap Box Derby and DHA car purchase. Motion passed unanimously for DHA to donate $500 for car, with a caveat that documents are presented representing no liability on DHA’s part in the event of a accident. Driver for car to be determined, possibly through a contest.
ACE Hardware Location potential use. DHA heard discussion on the potential build out of the ACE location as a “Toddler to Adult” youth center. DHA to set up committee to explore possibility.
Code Enforcement-No infractions were discussed.
Meeting was Adjourned.