Stacey Harris welcomed board members and distinguished visitors. Feb. minutes were adopted with one change: capitalize Marta.
Stacey announced that new DeKalb School Superintendant Michael Thurmond would not attend tonight; rather he will speak at a DHA sponsored meeting next Sunday at Kingsley Swim and Tennis club. (Remarks by Thurmond the following Sunday were recorded and posted to the DHA You Tube channel).
Sherry Clark asked for support for the Living Garden at PCMS. They have created an outdoor classroom with eight raised growing beds. The board voted to donate $2500 to this cause.
Matt Hagan from Regency Centers talked about their plans for Dunwoody Village, which include a new logo and new signage. Matt told us about two new restaurants coming to DV. Regency donated right of way to the City for the redevelopment of Dunwoody Village Parkway.
Michael Starling, Director of Economic Development for Dunwoody told the board that he had added a retention specialist to assist him in dealing with the existing 2400 businesses in Dunwoody. He mentioned that State Farm had leased 700,000 sq ft. of Dunwoody office space so far. Starling recounted that the Georgetown area was heating up redevelopment wise, due to the Project Renaissance ground breaking.
State Representative Tom Taylor recapped the goals for the legislative period at the State. Primary goal being HB 486 to allow a City of Dunwoody school System.
The DHA board passed a resolution supporting HB 486 and asking the City of Dunwoody to pay for a study on the school issue. The Board also voted to award $5000 to the new non-profit: Dunwoody Parents Concerned about Quality Education Inc. to help their efforts. Wescott and Wittenstein from the DHA board also sit on the new non-profit board.
The board voted to support DPT by becoming a $500 sponsor for Lemonade Days.
Grossman and Harris told the board about discussions to sponsor a Thursday night free concert series, with food trucks, at Brook Run. Consensus was to talk to the other Dunwoody non-profits about the concept and bring it back in April for a board decision.
Stacey Harris adjourned the meeting.