Don Boyken, President, called the meeting to order at 7:30. He introduced Scout, Eric Dudiak, who was observing meeting to fulfill requirements for a merit badge.
No presentations
House on Roberts Drive— He reported that there is heavy traffic, and that it is a printing business. Don reported that Bill Grossman is working on this with county.
Don reported that the property next to Prudential will come up soon—potential law office. Houses close to Regions Bank will remain residential.
Dunking Donuts—Don reported that we opposed the zoning because we did not have plans. We have plans and an agreement has been worked out. This was distributed for Board members to review. Discussion on landscaping, hours of operation, windows, and parking followed. A concern is 24-hour operation. A motion was made that we accept this agreement. It was seconded and motion carried. Bob Lundsten abstained.
Stadium at Dunwoody High School—Fran Millar
Opposition to this has been coming in. School Board needs to have hearings and get this resolved. If built with private funds, DeKalb County School Board will determine how and when it is used.
FULTON COUNTY: Peachtree Dunwoody Rd.--Roberts Properties
This will be coming up again. It will probably go to planning commission without agreement between homeowners and developer. Homeowners have a mediation meeting this week.
Bob Lundsten reported that there is a permanent sign on Mt Vernon advertising a development on Tilly Mill. Action: Ken will check on this.
He is optimistic about sign for Ace Hardware. Discussion followed on roof signs. Bill Phillips stated that Overlay does not address signs on roofs.
UPDATE ON VANDALISM: John Sparks met with boys who have confessed and written apologies. They have agreed to do 20 hours of community service, allow letters to run in CRIER, pay for lights they destroyed and put up and take down this year’s lights.
PUBLIX UPDATE—Lights are still a problem. Don is meeting with developer to walk property and check lighting this Tuesday.
OVERLAY—Bill Phillips
Overlay is still active—still need $6,000 to get ordinance written. It was suggested that DHA fund this and not wait for money from County.
Don has asked Margo Dix to work on this for DHA.
BROOK RUN: Fran Millar will have meeting with CEO on May 15.
GARDEN TOUR: Bill Robinson had tickets for Dunwoody Nature Center Garden Tour, May 18, 19, 20. DHA is a sponsor.
PARADE: Bill Robinson reported that plans for 10th parade are in progress. DHS band, cheerleaders, and color guard are committed. Board members are expected to march in parade. CRIER is co-sponsor.
COMMUNICATIONS: Bill Robinson reported that the next CRIER article would be on the Parade.
Meeting was adjourned.