1. Approval of Minutes from April 9, 2006 meeting
    Upon motion the minutes were approved by a unanimous vote as corrected.
  1. Zoning and Development
    1. District 1 Planning Commissioner Bob Dallas gave an update on Private Street and Variance issues.
    2. Sandy Springs Representative Dave Greenspan provided a Fulton County update. Police Department is almost up and running. Fire Department will be brought in-house. The “swamp” house has animals and structures removed. The Dunwoody street toppers are still under discussion.
    3. McDonald’s in PCID - Dennis Webb of Smith Gambrell & Russell presented some drawings of the proposed site. The site is zoned O&I, they will be applying for C-1 zoning. They will need two variances for the project as planned. Upon motion and unanimous consent DHA will request they present a selection of color choices for the awnings, the sign be externally lit, and a 20 year covenant for no playground on the premise. Also the firm was requested to review the overlay district design standards on our Website and then present a final proposal for the project including elevations.
    4. Vicki Gavalas of the Georgia DOT gave an update on a private/public partnership initiative affecting GA400. The initiative proposes to create High Occupancy Vehicle as well as High Occupancy Toll lanes north of I-285. The proposed toll lanes will offer a convertible price based on usage.
    5. Upon motion and approval the board will support the Cavalry Assembly of God’s request for a variance to attach letters to the structures of the church identifying the buildings.
    6. There was no update on the Ashford-Dunwoody / Mt. Vernon intersection.
    7. Gerri Penn will report commercial businesses operating in O&I zoned locations.
    8. Upon motion and approval the DHA Board will report the property at 5031 Chamblee Dunwoody Rd. for code violations. Gerri Penn said she would research the last time it was reported and follow through on it.
  2. Infrastructure
    1. Dennis Crean presented a detail map identifying all the existing and proposed sidewalks in Dunwoody. Prior to the June meeting Dennis will prioritize the proposed locations for board approval, before submitting to the county authorities.
  1. Community Pride
    1. Upon motion and approval Chip Franzoni will continue dialogue with pertaining to the street toppers and Branding Dunwoody with Dave Greenspan and Sandy Springs Mayor Eva Galambos.
  1. Code Enforcements
    1. Eckerd: no progress with Code Enforcement. Bob Lundsten will talk with DeKalb Permits department.
    2. Moe’s: removed illegal banner.
    3. All banners violate county ordinance and DHA must adhere to the policy if we expect others to cooperate.
  1. Community Affairs

a. 4th of July Parade: no report
b. Light up Dunwoody: no report

  1. PDK
    1. Airport Advisory Board is having a difficult time getting a quorum to attend their meetings. County Commissioners have been apprised of this difficulty.
  2. Brook Run: Skate Park is anticipated to be completed in the third quarter of 2007.
  3. Treasurer Report:
    1. Charitable donations approved at April meeting have been sent.
    2. Second shipment of street toppers has been ordered.
  1. Chip Franzoni expressed thanks to Bill Grossman who accepted the role as DHA Overlay chairperson.
  1. Upon motion and approval meeting was adjourned.