Gordon Jackson, President, called the meeting to order.
Announcements - Alan Mothner of the Dunwoody Nature Center gave information about the Garden Tour that will be May 15-17. They need volunteers for the three days. Tickets are $20.00. Gordon introduced Tunde Akinyele running for judge in the DeKalb Sate Court election in Nov. 2009. Gordon was contacted by Commissioner Gannon that the County is going green and he passed out information with a fact sheet and kickoff meeting announcement. The kickoff is May 9th from 9:30 am to noon. Al Tiede bumped into a former DHA Board member, Nick Nikodemus, and Nick sent his regards.
Approval of minutes – The March 1, 2009 minutes were approved unanimously.
Zoning and Development –
Winters Chapel/Peeler Rd. Shell Station, Jerry Chambers made the presentation representing Mr. Mansur. He explained that they received staff approval for their variance request for their almost 50% reduction of parking spaces but the BOA deferred so that they could meet with neighbors and DHA. Currently there is a 2,800 sq ft convenience store and car wash. They want to take the car wash down and replace it with a 3,800 sq. ft. brick building that would have a pharmacy, medical supply store, and liquor store. It requires 37 parking spaces and they wanted a variance to allow for 19 spaces. After their meetings with the Winters Chapel Village Committee and two neighborhood representative, they now have 23 parking spaces. Jerry said they met with the city and could not add two additional spaces to the already two spaces in the back of the convenience store because they would go over the 5,000 sq. ft of impervious surface which would require they provide new hydrology which is very costly. They are adding the required landscaping, putting up signs that say No Loitering and No Drinking on the Premises as well as conditions on signage and limiting the types of businesses allowed in the building. Larry Adams from the Glaze Drive community expressed concern about underestimating the number of employees and parking at the 12 pumps that exist on the three islands. He said the neighbors still do not feel there are enough parking spaces. Questions were asked and answered about truck deliveries and handicap parking spaces. Truck deliveries will either be late at night or park next to the side of the convenience store. There will be three handicap spaces.
Community Affairs
- Soap Box Derby – Gordon announced that we are co sponsors with The Crier and the lead sponsor, the Kiwanis. We have a car in the process of being built and the driver will be Ethan Herod. Gordon thanked the Board for their support. Fran suggested that both DHA and The Crier get their names added to the certificate of insurance.
- 4th of July Parade – Dick Williams said we have two bands, Korean War Vets from St. Petersburg, FL and a call for all Eagle Scouts. He said we are well ahead of our plans and will have a call for volunteers. Cavalry Church will join the parade by having their annual children’s festival at the end of the parade. The Grand Marshals are the Ducote family who has 8 Eagle Scouts. They are representatives for the Eagle Scouts The Korean War Vets will also honor the Eagle Scouts
- Community Bulletin Board – Dunwoody Divas contacted Gordon about have a community bulletin board on the DHA web site for announcements of their sales and even garage sales. Gerri cautioned that we want to make sure that we are not sanctioning an event that violates the codes. Gordon said we will have a disclaimer on the bulletin board. The motion to add a community bulletin board to our web site passed unanimously.
- Island Maintenance - Bill Robinson explained that all of the right of way belongs to the city. In the past DHA either paid for or found sponsors to adopt islands and median landscaping. When the city came on line, Bill chaired the new Overlay Committee and as a spin off they wrote a document dealing with Adopt- a- Spot which is sitting with the city. He explained how Randy Collins had brought to the attention of the Board the triangle at Winters Chapel and Peeler Rd. Randy has two landscape companies interested in adopting that island. Bill made the motion that Gordon Jackson, as DHA President, ask the City Council to designate DHA an Adopt- a- Spot partner. The motion was approved unanimously. DHA would find medians and pocket parks and then work with the city to get sponsors.
- Farmer’s Market Amendment – Fran Millar is concerned about this amendment and wrote a letter to The Crier against this amendment. Fran read his letter aloud. Fran feels DHA should make a statement that we want to preserve out communities. There was a Board Member discussion which resulted in the motion: DHA is opposed to Farmer’s Markets being located in residentially zoned properties for Places of Worship as it is written in the amendment before City Council. The vote was 12 ayes and 1 nay by Renate Herod and the motion passed.
- DHA Participation in City Board Meetings – Gordon thanked the Board for its great response for volunteers to speak on behalf of DHA at the various City Board meetings. Dennis explained why he thinks it is important.
- New Dunwoody Charter School – Amanda Levi and Bob Bolden gave a presentation on their concept of a Charter School to be located on Brook Run property including grades 3- 10. They would have non traditional streams of revenue and hope that by the 5 year charter renewal they would not need public funds. They would use buildings already on site which would need to be gutted and add to them. They would also like an Olympic size track that could sponsor international track competitions. They came to DHA before they go too far with the state to see what DHA thinks. They were asked if they knew that 70% of the park has to remain green space and that there is already a master plan. Both Fran Millar and Dan Weber said they should meet with state officials, state experts on charter schools, and educators and look at other options for another location. Bill Robinson suggested looking carefully at the Master Plan. He is on the Brook Run Conservancy Board and said there are state restrictions on athletics at the park. Fran said he will work with them to see where this can work and mentioned the GM property.
- Code Enforcement – Gerri said there is a huge difference since we became a city and that the Code Enforcement Specialist, Tom LaPenna, actually asks her for complaints on a weekly basis.
Messages and updates from President – Gordon announced that Dunwoody Preservation Trust is going ahead with renovation at the Farmhouse and we will have to relocate the DHA office to a temporary location. We will have to pay rent. Gordon introduced Mike Carlson, community liaison for the Dunwoody Police Department. Mike told the group about the Neighborhood Watch meeting on Tuesday, May 05, 2009. His e-mail address is: mike.carlson@dunwoodyga.gov.
Board Discussion and Vote – Shell Station The motion was made to approve the variance request with the Presidents writing the conditions for the DHA agreement. The motion passed with eleven ayes and two abstentions by Susan Mitchell and Gerri Penn.
The meeting was adjourned.