V.P. Heyward Wescott ran the meeting in Ms. Harris’s absence.

Heyward recognized State Representative Tom Taylor, City Councilmen Terry Nall and Doug Thompson as attendees of the meeting.

Bill Robinson told the board about upcoming Memorial Day ceremonies at Brook Run.

Gerri Penn told the board about the Dunwoody Women’s Club upcoming fundraiser: The tour of homes. Gerri requested DHA consider sponsorship for this event.

Approval of April minutes was deferred till the June board meeting.

Allegra Johnson told the board about the Concerned Dunwoody Parents group’s work on the Charter cluster petition. The group supports the concept of a City school system. Terry Nall spoke about the dual accreditation issue and the Georgia Accreditation Commission. The dual accreditation issue is on the DCSS board agenda for June.

Bill Grossman updated the Board on progress for the May 23 start for the Dunwoody Food Truck Thursdays. (Great start on the 23rd, several hundred attended)

Destination Imagination participants from Kingsley Elementary requested funding for the regional’s in Knoxville.

Heyward talked about the curb cut compromise for the Sterling Point application: right in only, no out for the new proposed curb cut on Ashford-Dunwoody road.

Due to lack of quorum no votes taken. Meeting adjourned.
