
Fran Millar announced that Wednesday there will be a community meeting regarding the 4th/5th grade school at DHS 6pm
Candidates Tom Stubbs and Larry Danese introduced themselves

Approval of Minutes

Upon motion and second the September 7 and October 5 minutes were approved.

Zoning and Development

Sterling Point Hotel Site (across str. from Calif. Pizza Kitchen) - Laurel David
(Robin Blass said the grand opening to the renovation of the Terraces was gorgeous and outstanding.) Currently there is no brand commitment for restaurant - which will have outdoor seating and no brand commitment for hotel - which will be up to ten stories. Will consider a two-story parking deck if needed. In response to concern that it wouldn't be welcoming to pedestrians - a staircase (focal point) has been designed. SLUP goes before BOC on the 18th. Variances will go before the City of Dunwoody. Types of hotels being sought - boutique hotel, limited service, for business travelers.

Meadow Lane Hotel—Den Webb
Will have 120 rooms, code says need 150 parking spots, engineers say they can fit 108. No big events will be held at hotel (is in contract with DHA) If over 90% occupied can go to valet parking.

RIOD update - Bob Dallas
Current system isn't working and so new ordinance has been written and wants to get it through before City of Dunwoody. Allows 35 ft. height - what an average person would think would be 35 ft. (National Building Standard is 35 ft.). Would repeal the RIOD ordinance, but not current RIODS.

Community Affairs

Light Up Dunwoody
Coming along well. Al Tiede, Bill Grossman, Dick Williams and Gordon Jackson have been selling sponsorships. Renate Herod getting entertainment. DPT has invited City Council to farmhouse. There will be no tree lighting in the triangle due to roadwork.

Code Enforcement
Gerri sick. 1822 property is removing concrete. Since Dekalb County is being paid through December, November list should be sent in.

Messages and Updates from President

Nominating Committee
Time to nominate new officers for next year. Bill Robinson, Chair along with Barbara Dodds and Bill Grossman.

Glaze Dr. Update
Things are moving. Motions are being filed. One difficulty is property has been bought and we don't want to punish those who walked in unknowingly. The developers are the sole principal of the Homeowners Assn. and will remain so until below 80%.

Board Discussion and Votes

Sterling Point Hotel Site
Agreement includes site plan, maximum number of rooms, maximum stories, parking, and entry stairs from street (Ashford-Dunwoody). Concerns that there is no knowledge of restaurant or hotel occupants. Motion to approve site plan, SLUP and that DHA agreement can be signed - passed. Motion to allow Renate Herod to sign agreement in Gerri Penn's absence - passed.

Meadow Lane Hotel
Concern in agreeing that parking can be reduced from code of 150 to 108. Motion to amend DHA agreement to include that they have an agreement with Crown Point Deck as a fail safe parking facility - passed.

The meeting was adjourned.
