Pres. Bill Grossman welcomes Dunwoody Councilors John Heneghan and Terry Nall. Also recognizes Jeff Kazanow, who is the Democratic challenger to US House Representative Tom Price.
- Approval of September minutes.
- Discussion of False Alarm Ordinance. Dunwoody averages 400 false alarms a month. 90 percent of false alarms are operator error.
- Discussion of Proposed Intersection Improvements at North Peachtree@Tilly Mill and Vermack@Womack. Dunwoody Public Works Director Michael Smith answered board questions. For N. Peachtree/Tilly Mill - expect construction to start late 2013 or early 2014. Concerning Vermack/Womack, the staff recommendation is for a roundabout. Again, expect construction to possibly begin late 2013 or early 2014. Cost for the roundabout project is approximately $800,000.
- Discussion on Zoning Rewrite Module 2: 27-18.50 Proposed alternatives to the currently required pre-submittal community meeting; 27-20.100 Proposed concurrent variances.
- Update on Adopt-A-Spot and Light Up Dunwoody 2012 (city has agreed to provide power to the pocket park at the intersection of Mt. Vernon and Ashford-Dunwoody). Light Up will take place Nov. 18.
- Bill Robinson brought up Dunwoody Village Parkway and offering the DHA design review committee to help the city with the project.
Board Only Discussion
Motion that all homeowners and business pay a fee for registering home burglary alarm systems. Motion passed (Bob Fiscella voted no).
Motion to put consequences into repeated false alarms. Motion passed.
Motion made to approve city staff recommendations for intersection improvements above. Motion unanimously passed.
Meeting adjourned at 9:38pm. Next board meeting: Sunday, November 4, 2012